City Island Sings! produced by Future Brain Media and Augenblick Studios, is a new spinoff of the award-winning animated series City Island on PBS KIDS. The show, created by Aaron Augenblick, features designs by Gemma Correll and songs written by Tunde Adebimpe of Brooklyn’s TV On The Radio with lyrics by Dan Powell.
After producing the theme song for Season One, Elliston joined the City Island team as series Music Producer for City Island Sings!. The music video series is the first in the network's new slate of civics-minded content. “It’s a throwback to the animated songs I grew up with on Saturday mornings,” Timo said. “The content is educational, but there’s a fair amount of humour in them, too. Aaron and the Augenblick team are really skilled at keeping things fun. A lot of laughing goes on at these sessions.”
The videos feature an eclectic mix of musical genres. “Part of the fun is in the wide range of musical influences and how much ground Tunde and Dan covered with their writing,” Timo continued. "And, to top it all off, we got to put it all together with this incredible cast.”
The stars behind the characters include Kimiko Glenn, Julio Torres, Ellen Cleghorne, Michael-Leon Wooley, Kimia Behpoornia, James Adomian, Rachel Pegram, Branson Reese and James III.
In addition to the new music video series, City Island Season Two will premiere July 5th on PBS KIDS.
City Island is a series of animated shorts for early elementary school-aged children set in a thriving metropolis and living city, where every object is a character. It includes local organisations, government institutions, and a diverse citizenry, while highlighting topics like cooperation, conflict resolution, and city planning.