The question of how brands can attract young, new audiences is a persisting one. 72andSunny may be on to something with its solution for the AFL: Give them something to Google.
The launch film for the new 'Get In On It' platform contains hundreds of AFL easter eggs, and a lot of phrases to send old and new footy fans alike down the rabbit hole. How the game is actually played is secondary to finding out the history of why Collingwood hates Carlton, with the voiceover summing up the message beautifully: “You’ll pick up the rules eventually, but that’s not the best bit. It’s the details, the plot, the arc, the culture.”
The launch film -- made by production company Good Oil and fronted by local Melbourne band Sleepazoid -- is incredibly visually engaging. There's a lot going on, but it's not too much. You can watch the whole ad over and over and pick up something new each time.
It’s an incredibly fun platform, and may well see this rusted-on NRL fan actually try to work out what a speccy is.