The lives of people in a country at war are defined by constant contrasts: sorrow and joy, battles on the front lines and domestic concerns in the rear, meetings with friends and supporting the army. It's all happening at once. Advertising mirrors all of this. The All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (VRK) has prepared a new issue of the CrUAtivity digest – Summer issue 2023. The digest features cases from 37 Ukrainian agencies and production companies, presented in eight categories.
Advertising in Ukraine is full of contrasts, much like the lives of Ukrainians themselves. So, this summer season, a plant protection product manufacturer creates a sunscreen to protect people – the farmers working in the fields. At the same time, an agrochemical corporation is helping demine Ukrainian fields to make them free and safe from mines, bombs, and shells.
A Ukrainian riding service advertises various car classes, and the redesigned website of a charitable foundation makes it even more convenient to donate for cars for the military and other military and humanitarian needs.
A summer ad for non-alcoholic beer assures that 0 alcohol means no limits, and a new communication platform helps veterans return to their sexual lives after combat injuries, trauma, and amputations.
Only in a country at war can you film a touching story of yogurt, which sees heroic Ukrainians on its lid – defenders, volunteers, rescuers, because they take it with them everywhere: to shelters or on long journeys, to soldiers at the front or while weaving nets. Or witness an outdoor advertisement speaking on behalf of 400 animals evacuated from shelling in various cities of Ukraine and sheltered by the Kyiv Zoo.
It's creative, but it's also sad. This is the life of Ukrainians today, and this is the advertising. Ukrainian creatives are working, but they need the support of foreign colleagues, agencies, and advertisers.
VRK calls on the global professional community to cooperate with Ukrainian creatives and not only to find new partners for themselves, but also to continue supporting Ukrainians.
CrUAtivity summer issue is presented on the site. In the digest you will find current works of 37 agencies & production companies and their contacts that will allow you to contact them. Or it can be done via VRK team.
The following works are included in the summer issue of the digest: