Toys “R” Us Asia has launched their first ever Facebook Augmented Reality Camera Filter for Toys “R” Us Hong Kong. Developed by leading creative tech agency, AliveNow, this fun and colourful AR Camera effect gives fans the chance to adorn themselves with features of Toys “R” Us’s famous mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe!
This playful AR camera experience is also linked to a special coupon that users can unlock in the camera itself. Once parents or kids enter the Facebook AR experience they are given 3 options of Geoffrey’s look. After picking one, their smile unlocks a colourful experience in the camera screen and by tapping the “Dollar” sign, they unlock a special Toys “R” Us coupon they can use.
Sidhanth Satish, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing & CRM, Toys “R” Us Asia said, “Geoffrey the Giraffe is so much more to Toys”R”Us Asia than just a mascot. He’s an integral part of all our communication and kids absolutely love him. Through the Geoffrey AR filter, kids and parents can now immerse themselves in an experience that’s true to all the values that define the Toys”R”Us brand – Fun, interactive, innovative and relevant. We’re thrilled to work with the team at AliveNow who helped us bring this concept to life. Here’s looking forward to a successful partnership between Toys”R”Us Asia Ltd and AliveNow.”
AliveNow, who has been at the forefront of creative tech innovations specifically with Facebook Augmented Reality camera effects has built AR experiences in the region for Mastercard, Dove, LANEIGE and many other brands.
Commenting on the Toys “R” Us AR filter, Founder & CEO of AliveNow, Adhvith Dhuddu shared, “This was one of the most fun AR Camera Filters we’ve built and the clever thing that Toys “R” Us did was adding a commercial element with the special coupon. We’re sure kids and parents will absolutely love this AR experience. Facebook’s AR platform has opened up some incredible never-before-possible opportunities for brands and we’re thrilled to be working closely with brands, agencies and Facebook itself to build these AR camera filters.”
Users can experience the Toys “R” Us Geoffrey the Giraffe AR Camera Filter here or on the brand’s Facebook page.