
Against a Backdrop of Global ‘Permacrisis’ 3 in 4 Believe Brands Should Play a Greater Role in Solving Societal Issues

New McCann Worldgroup study reveals clear opportunity for businesses to take leadership role in unifying region

A new pan-European study from leading global creative solutions company, McCann Worldgroup, has revealed that for brands and businesses looking to futureproof their organisations, 3 in 4 Europeans believe that they “should play a greater role in bringing Europe together.” The survey also suggests hot spots for future innovation and investment with: Sustainability, Science & Technology & Energy, noted as key drivers for the region’s future success.

But for younger people, a European future feels unsustainable and unaffordable, revealing that 1 in 3 Europeans say: “in the future, it is likely that I will have to leave Europe to have a better life”. This rises to 43% of Gen Z, 42% of Millennials and 48% of Minorities, only 18% of 55s

Undertaken in partnership with McCann Worldgroup’s global intelligence unit, Truth Central, the nationally representative study titled ‘Truth About New Europe’, draws on a trended survey of 27,000 Europeans and interviews with a wide range of experts. This latest iteration of the research was conducted in 2022 and builds on previous insights collected in 2018. In total, the study includes findings across 18 markets including: UK, France, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, and Italy.

The dataset is wide-reaching and maps the hopes, fears, and expectations of Europe’s populations across areas as diverse as healthcare, technology, culture, and climate. Using comparative data insights from the 2018 study, the findings reveal important shifts and track contrasting tensions over the past 5 years:

New opportunities - European unity through business cooperation and innovation:

Successful organisations will play a leadership role, with consumers expecting that from brands and businesses. 

● 3 in 4 Europeans believe “Brands and businesses should play a greater role in bringing Europe together”. This suggests a desire for active dialogue ato build new partnerships, and create richer ecosystems for innovation, research and development.

● 83% of Europeans believe that future business success lies in cooperation, rather than competition. 

● Nearly 1 in 3 say the EU should fund more research and innovation, rising from 1 in 4 in 2018. 

European values: Brands and businesses under scrutiny:

Brands also have a key role to play in appealing to strong human values held across the region: freedom, education, healthcare, equality, and justice.

● 90% of Europeans believe that business leaders should be as accountable to the public as political leaders; never has corporate behaviour been under greater scrutiny or more crucial for business success 

● 69% of Europeans believe that it is more important to work for the common good than individual profit, rising to 80% in Ireland, Spain, and the UK.

Technology - friend and foe?

Europeans have a conflicted relationship with technology and are split on how to engage with it. Most positively, some see tech as an enabler of potential – particularly in the UK where the benefits outweigh the risks.

● 1 in 2 feel that technology is the key to unlocking our full human potential (but 62% of Europeans think their job is too complicated for a robot to do well). 

● 65% of Europeans agree that “If we all leave social media tomorrow, the world will become a better place”, rising to 71% in the UK and 74% in France.

● The UK has the greatest sense of optimism towards technology, with 3 out of 4 saying that “The potential benefits of technology outweigh any known risks”.

The impact of ‘permacrisis’

After an extended period of ‘permacrisis,’ the primary concerns of Europeans across the region today have shifted noticeably since 2018.

● Climate change: 36% of Europeans say this is their biggest worry, up from 20% in 2018, and rising higher than terrorism for the first time.

● Growing economic inequality: the widening gap between rich and poor poses the greatest threat to social cohesion, above inequalities, based on gender, ethnicity, or age – with 1 in 2 Europeans also worried about their household food security.

● New War: following the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine, concerns about a fresh war have risen - from 24% five years ago, to 33% today. The top 5 countries that believe there will be another war between European countries are: 1. Sweden, 2. Portugal, 3. Spain, 4. Finland and 5. Germany.

Reasons for pride & optimism 

But the study also reveals that there is much to be optimistic about, and identifies hot spots for future innovation and investment:

● Key areas for investment emerge in tech, energy, sustainability, and health & wellness. When presented with a list of future innovations, the #1 innovation that Europeans would like access to is “a pill that stops the ageing process”, above self-driving cars, robot chefs and devices for hologram communications. In their daily lives, the #1 area that Europeans wish they could have more guidance is “sustainable living”, selected by 1 in 3.

● Human Rights is the #1 area in which people hope Europe will lead the world in the future – outranking healthcare, education, and democracy.

● A European healthcare system is the most desired of all regional services, trumping even a European passport or European military force.

Fernando Fascioli, president, McCann Worldgroup Europe & UK, said: “Despite the impact of seismic events over the past few years on the population across Europe, our research reveals a clear opportunity and expectation among consumers for brands to take greater responsibility in playing a significant role in bringing our region together. Based on these insights, brands can and should step up to be a force for meaningful good in the shape and strength of Europe for generations to come, while future-proofing their own brands and businesses.”  

Dr. Rodney Collins, EVP and director, Truth Central commented: “While it might be tempting to wring our hands and shrug our shoulders at the onslaught of challenges facing Europe – everyday Europeans, as well as leaders from all sectors, are not only optimistic but are committed to forging new futures. Europeans are prepared to be resilient, and they are also expecting the region to lead on the global stage in everything from human rights to the circular economy to healthcare. 

“This will, of course, require transformations in the workforce, the regulatory environment, and collaborative ecosystems. Everyone will need to step forward and embrace a mindset of radical creativity to chart a more equitable and sustainable future for both the collective and the individual.”

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