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5 Minutes with… Virgile Brodziak

Paris, France
Wunderman Thompson France’s managing director on his obsession with making things happen, why good strategists win and retain clients, and the agency’s main preoccupation right now

Virgile Brodziak has been at the helm of Wunderman Thompson France since 2016 as part of the team leading the agency through a series of transformations that have made it one of the most integrated and innovative agencies in the market. With a background in both account management and planning, he’s now managing director at the agency, which has offices in both Paris and Toulouse. 

Whether it’s reimagining the Eiffel Tower for a sustainable future or introducing Yves Saint Laurent Beauté to web3, Wunderman Thompson France is living up to its mission as a technology company as well as a creative growth partner for its clients’ brands.

LBB’s Alex Reeves finds out what drives Virgile and how that feeds into Wunderman Thompson France’s output.

LBB> What creative content inspired or interested you most when you were growing up?

Virgile> Books have always been my go-to source of inspiration. I'm fascinated by writers, and my studies have always revolved around literature. Even though time is scarce these days, spending a few hours with Leila Slimani, Nicolas Mathieu, Jean-Paul Dubois, Bret Easton Ellis, or Annie Ernaux feels like striking gold. That being said, I can't deny that other forms of artistic content inspire me too - music, cinema, opera... I'm fortunate to have talented colleagues at our agency who introduce me to new things every day and pride myself on being constantly curious.

LBB> What was your journey into the industry like?

Virgile> I stumbled into the advertising industry after studying at CELSA (La Sorbonne). A teacher introduced me to advertising, and I gave it a shot with an internship at RAPP; I immediately fell in love with this world where creativity and entrepreneurship are core values. Although I enjoyed hopping from one agency to another every two years during my first decade in the business, I now appreciate the long-term growth that comes with sticking with a team and a company. To come full circle, I'm currently working with Vincent Druguet (Wunderman Thompson France CEO) and Lionel Gomez (strategy director), the same people I started with almost 20 years ago!

LBB> You began as an account executive then soon became a planner, before moving into management. What motivated those changes in focus?

Virgile> I've been fortunate to meet fantastic people who helped me find my way, but I’ll admit that my career progression has been more organic than meticulously planned. Both positions taught me valuable skills that led me to where I am today, as managing an agency requires a balance of strategy and client servicing. I firmly believe that good strategists are crucial for attracting new clients and retaining them.

LBB> How do you think your career path has shaped the kind of leader you've become?

Virgile> My entrepreneurial years played a decisive role, instilling in me a constant obsession for ‘making things happen’ and creating the conditions for success. It also ignited my passion for innovation and creativity, with my first start-up in the interior design business with architect Nelson Wilmotte. Working in various agencies (McCann, Fullsix, Rapp, Publicis Conseil) also prepared me for being part of a truly integrated agency like Wunderman Thompson. I love all the work we do, and I'm passionate about helping brands grow creatively, no matter the approach.

LBB> You've been at Wunderman Thompson since 2016. What attracted you to the agency (at the time J. Walter Thompson) then? And has it lived up to your expectations or been a different ride?

Virgile> I joined a legacy agency seeking reinvention. J. Walter Thompson was a 150-year-old business! It was, and still is as Wunderman Thompson, a place where anything is possible. In just seven years, we've merged three agencies and acquired a consulting firm. This ever-changing environment keeps me on my toes, and I couldn't dream of a better place to be. I tend to get bored quickly!

LBB> What is it about Wunderman Thompson as a network that sets it apart from others? And how does that play out in the France agencies?

Virgile> Wunderman Thompson is unique in so many ways! First, you won't find a more diverse and multicultural agency. We're present in 90 countries and, in France, we have offices in both Paris and Toulouse. We're driven by innovation, and projects like ‘Brand Guardian’ and ‘Imagine Commerce’ are already positioning us as leaders in the AI space. I'm proud that our office has been a major driver of innovation in AI, web3, gaming, and the metaverse worldwide. Finally, being the largest agency network globally provides a scale that allows each employee to connect with the best experts and the most innovative projects across categories and geographies.

LBB> How do those principles show themselves in the campaigns that you work on? What are some recent ones that demonstrate this?

Virgile> Our teams consistently put their best foot forward to reinvent the way we work and produce campaigns. One of our core values is "Creative Bravery," which perfectly illustrates the relentless effort we put into making brands stand out. We deliver like no other agency against this – whether it's bringing Yves Saint Laurent Beauté to web3, creating the first immunity stations in Fortnite with Actimel, generating cinematic ‘CocktA.I.Ls’ using AI with Campari, or designing a new sustainable version of the Eiffel Tower with Dassault Systèmes

LBB> What are your biggest goals or preoccupations right now?

Virgile> Our primary focus, both as a global network and a local player, is to create the best workplace for our talent. The face of our industry is changing, and our success will depend on our ability to attract individuals with diverse backgrounds who can shake up our ways of working and add value to everything we do. It's a talent-driven business, and regardless of technological revolutions, it will remain a fantastic place thanks to the people who make it all happen.

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