Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 24/02/23

London, UK
This week’s best work showcases the industry’s efforts to keep helping Ukraine a year after the Russian invasion, while also tapping into other areas of life globally, writes LBB’s Zoe Antonov

February 24th, 2023 marks the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. With that, our spots for work of the week largely feature work that discusses the devastating effects of the Russian terrors across the country and in turn, the continent and the world. One of those spots goes to Aardman’s collaboration with Save the Children, to tell us the story of what it means to be a child refugee, also touching on the wider issue of displacement beyond the Ukrainian war. 

On a more global level, we have some amazing work from the NHS and M&C Saatchi London, reminding UK nationals to take their bowel cancer screening test when sent one, in a particularly unique way. Also on our list - models at London Fashion Week break the stigma around IBS and goats eat Doritos. Read more below.

NHS - Your Next Poo Could Save Your Life

The NHS and M&C Saatchi London are inspiring people across the UK to take their bowel cancer screening test with a spring in their step. That’s why the main character in the spot breaks out into a ribbon dance choreography, in the garden, in the middle of the night, with loo roll instead of a ribbon. Approaching a very serious subject with humour and wit, the NHS hoped to translate the importance of the test to audiences with a simple message: “Your next poo could save your life.” Which stands absolutely true, as the Faecal Immunochemical Test (or FIT) that people receive in the post can detect cancer long before symptoms of it actually appear. 

Ukrainian Witness - Wiki Truth 

There are many sides to every international conflict. But to the Ukrainian war, there are two prevailing ones - what Russia thinks the truth is, and what the rest of the world sees as the truth. With major news outlets and social media websites being blocked across Russia, people in the country are left clueless as to the real devastation of the war on Ukraine. Days after the war broke out, media project Ukrainian Witness began trying to pull down the veil of ignorance over the Russian public. Its only weapon left to use - Wikipedia. Mobilising the global Wikipedia community and pushing against the Kremlin’s bots, Ukrainian Witness uploaded hundreds of images of the war in Ukraine on key Wikipedia pages related to the country, making the platform one of the only trustworthy and credible resources for Russian nationals to see the real extent of the war Russia is waging. 

Buscopan - Fashion Cramps

When thinking of the fashion world, most of us don’t immediately think ‘relatable’. Edited front covers of magazines, filters and the glamming up of faces and bodies are all themes very familiar to Fashion Week around the world. But healthcare brand Buscopan decided to break the cycle - by introducing IBS to London Fashion Week. Using high fashion photography and publishing the photographs in key fashion areas across the city, as well as in some of the most prominent fashion magazines in the industry, Buscopan showed what IBS cramps really look like. And that they can affect anyone, as well as strike any time.

Save the Children - Home

If you never thought you would cry at an animation about triangles and circles, think again. This poignant work from Aardman and Save the Children tugs on the heartstrings like no other, and tells the story of a displaced child and the struggles they face in a new country. All with the help of simple shapes and colours - how does a circle get used to living in a triangular world? Although prompted by the one-year anniversary of the Ukrainian war, the animation aims to support the many millions of children being forced to live outside their home countries because of violence including places like Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria.

UNITED24 - The Undeniable Street View

Keeping the theme of truth and credibility, the next piece of work on our list this week is the first ever war zone shown on street view for audiences across the world to walk through. The 'Undeniable Street View' is a ground-breaking new website that reveals the true devastations of the war on Ukraine and was created in partnership with a collective of Ukrainian organisations. The goal of the project is to show the real 360-degree face of Ukraine both before and after the war, and mobilise supporters globally to keep helping and spreading the word, a year after the Russian full-scale invasion.

Difflam - The Usual Sorespects

This week's best list has not one but two spots for healthcare brands delighting in some smart communications. Difflam, the over-the-counter sore throat relief product, has positioned itself as much more than that with the help of VMLY&R. Using three charming characters and some eye-catching visuals to personify a variety of sore throat symptoms, ranging from a simple scratchy throat, to tougher-to-crack throat pain, the campaign helps customers identify which variation of the medication they need most. An effective, fun and super memorable print campaign!

Doritos - Devour Doritos

To end on a more comedic note, Dark Energy’s Henry Littlechild has directed a new spot for Doritos, mixing live action and animation to show us that it’s okay to tap into your animalistic senses when digging into a pack of crisps. In the film, three characters decide to indulge in some Doritos and before they know it, their heads have been replaced with the heads of animals that weirdly… look like them a little bit? 

Work from LBB Editorial
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