When you work in or around advertising, it’s always a good idea to listen to normal people whose minds haven’t been warped out of all reason by the industry. And when actual, real people start sharing a piece of creative work on social media and in non-advertising chat groups, you know there’s something remarkable going on.
That was the case this week when the Mayor of London launched a campaign by Ogilvy UK to address sexist attitudes and inappropriate male behaviour that has led to the epidemic of misogyny and violence against women and girls across the UK. The integrated campaign’s central sentiment, ‘have a word with yourself, then your mates’ spread throughout the British population, as did the brilliant film showing the crucial importance of men challenging other men, to stop being a bystander and take action when they see misogynistic behaviour and harassment.
It’s had an impact already. And hopefully it will shift the dial on men’s behaviour enough to stop some of the worst of it.
That campaign is joined by other inspired comms including an ingenious anti-piracy message, plenty of celebrities being silly and funny, including a couple of world-class athletes, and the latest brilliant instalment in Apple’s ‘The Underdogs’ series.
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