Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 17/03/23

The week’s most exciting selection features spots from Apple, Guinness, Gatorade, The Financial Times, and more, writes LBB’s Josh Neufeldt

There’s some absolutely amazing stuff in this list, and best of all, there’s something for everyone. Lovers of poignant yet comedic social commentary can get their fill with Zijkant’s spot for Equal Pay Day (March 20th), which physically demonstrates inherent sexism by having men shake hands… below the belt. For fans of Apple and its AirPods, you’ll be pleased to see just how strong the active noise cancellation capabilities are. And for readers of The Financial Times, there’s a great history spot detailing and celebrating 130 years of the brand’s iconic salmon-pink paper. 

And if none of that appeals, perhaps you’ll love the way Honest Eggs Co. decided to prove the quality of its eggs - by creating a fitness tracker for its chickens. Or, maybe you’ll love the way Guinness is hailing the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day - showcasing pints of its non-alcoholic ‘0.0’ beer singing along to Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Holding Out For A Hero’. Whatever the case may be, we’ve got you covered! 

Check out the full list below:

Apple - Quiet the noise

Anyone who’s ever lived in a big city can confirm that the sounds of metropolitan hustle and bustle can be overwhelmingly loud. That is, unless one embraces the sentiment of Apple’s new spot - ‘Quiet the noise’ - which showcases the AirPods’ new capabilities for active noise cancellation. Created by TBWA\Media Arts Lab, flying streetscapes, confetti-launching volcanoes and a cover of Pixies’ ‘Where is My Mind’ remind us that with the right technology, users only need to face the music they’re listening to. 

Zijkant - Equal Pay Day 

“I trust you, because you have a dick.” It sounds absurd, but, sadly, it’s a statement grounded in reality. Sexism still exists within workplaces around the world. Men are more easily hired, taken more seriously, often obtain better promotions, and to top it all off, end up getting paid more. As such, ahead of Equal Pay Day (March 20th), creative agency mortierbrigade and Zijkant teamed up to draw attention to the inequality, producing an absurd, comedic spot in which men physically demonstrate their exclusion of women by shaking hands… with their dicks. 

B&Q - Ease

Throwing some variety into the list, we’ve got some fun OOH to feature. Created by Uncommon as a continuation of home improvement brand B&Q’s ‘Change. Made Easier.’ campaign, ‘Ease’ explores the simplicity of the medium, showcasing striking visuals found in the everyday - brought to life through a smart phone screen. Depicting things such as garden furniture causing chaos and a sausage cooking perfectly while sitting on a BBQ raised off the screen (all with an artfully placed ketchup dollop), the work playfully highlights the ease and accessibility of B&Q’s offerings. 

Fulla Juice - Juicy Montage

Fancy visual effects are simply not required when one adds clever writing and fun audio choices to an ad. Case and point, this ‘Juicy Montage’ for Northern Irish brand, Fulla Juice. Created by Nice Shirt Films’ Harvey Eaton, this work could be the cheapest campaign ever made, with Harvey writing, directing, editing (and providing one of the voices) for roughly the cost of three crates of bottles. Oh, and don’t worry. No vegetables were harmed in the process! 

Gatorade - Sweating Is Glory

While it may make you want to immediately jump into the shower, there is something gratifying about breaking a sweat. Not from stress, not from lying in bed with a fever, but from putting in an honest workout, in whatever form that may be. This is something that Gatorade not only knows well, but celebrates well in its new campaign: ‘Sweating is Glory’. Created by Isla México, the titular spot serves as a reminder that whether one is a professional athlete or someone working out in the basement, Gatorade is key for providing that crucial, post-sweat hydration. 

The Jensen Project - Sky Trafficking

This past week, The Jensen Project and creative agency No Fixed Address demonstrated that the sky was literally the limit for OOH advertising. Using skywriting to expose the ‘playbook’ of those who use online platforms to lure and groom vulnerable parties, Houston and Dallas natives were able to spot some ominous messages in the clouds, escalating from ‘How Old R U?’, and ‘Leave And I’ll Find You’, to the URL to - a place where visitors can educate themselves on recognising the dirty tactics of sex traffickers online. 

The Financial Times - Pink

Readers of British newspaper, The Financial Times, are keenly aware of its iconic salmon-pink paper. But what they might not know is that this paper is celebrating 130 years of use. So, to draw attention to the occasion, the brand worked French animation studio H5, alongside creative agency Orange Panther Collective to create ‘Pink’ a short film resembling an animated scrapbook which details the pink paper’s history, and celebrates the company’s decision to be ‘fearlessly different’ by not bleaching its paper a basic black and white. 

Honest Eggs Co. - FitChix

It’s fair to say that if they have the money to afford it, people love to buy well-sourced eggs. After all, it’s great to sit down for a plate of scrambled eggs, knowing that the chicken who provided it is living a good life. However, there’s a lot of terms which get tossed around in this regard: ‘free range’, ‘open range’, ‘cage free’ - the list goes on. It’s for this reason that Honest Eggs Co. and VMLY&R wanted to make things simple. Working with Airbag, the collaboration resulted in ‘FitChix’, the first-ever fitness tracker designed for chickens. Made from hen-friendly materials, the trackers provide accurate step counts which are then printed onto the eggs, telling consumers exactly how well their supplier chickens are doing. Can we get a ‘Hen Yeah!’?

Guinness  - Make it a St. Patrick’s Day to Remember

Chances are, if it’s set to Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Holding Out For A Hero’, it’s going to be epic. This ad by AMV BBDO, created for Guinness, proves no exception. Showcasing pints of the brand’s non-alcoholic ‘0.0’ beer singing the staple, the spot serves as a friendly reminder to drink responsibly this St. Patrick’s weekend. And, just as a heads up to the Irish folk reading this and preparing to start celebrations come the end of this work day, the brand will be making 50,000 pints of 0.0 free across the country. 

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