Creative in association withGear Seven

Why Droga5 is Giving Everyone in the Company a Day of RnR in Puerto Rico

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
#RnRforPR was dreamt up by Droga5 creatives Elena Knox and Alyssa Georg
After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September of last year, the island was devastated. But eight months later, hotels and restaurants in San Juan were ready to receive tourists - but they never came. Turns out, the last anybody had heard of PR were the power outages but reporting on how the tourist areas were open for business was minimal. And that's the opportunity Droga5 creatives Elena Knox and Alyssa Georg set out to seize. 

Enter #RnRforPR, an organic tourism campaign aimed at getting people to visit Puerto Rico to do what they do best when they go to an island for some rest and relaxation (RnR): blow up Instagram. But they needed an incentive, so they asked Droga5 if it'd give everyone in the company an extra day off only to be used in Puerto Rico and the company agreed. 

To kick off the initiative, Elena and Alyssa traveled to Puerto Rico to capture the "proof in the pudding" that the island is indeed ready for tourists and launch it on the agency's social channels on 26th and 27th July. They also prepared a detailed itinerary for the perfect long weekend in PR, including excursions and volunteering opportunities outside of the city. But Droga5 is just the beginning. Elena and Alyssa are hoping to spread this idea to other companies in the New York City to help get Puerto Rico back on its feet...all employees need to do is book a flight, order another piña colada, sink their toes in the sand and share their experience on social using #RnRforPR. 