Nick & Chloé lead an Ozymandic expedition to the famous sand dunes around Marseille in their fantastical latest music video for French psych-pop band Le Roi Angus. Shot for their new single 'Couchés sur le sable', the film sees the band running up that [sand] hill, while somewhere very near, but somewhen eons away, another set of characters seem to be having it out on this very unsteady dance floor. Are they a long-forgotten civilization or future superstars? A set of animated inserts of a very groovy chicken turning into an egg – and back again – does nothing to answer any questions.
But if the footing is fickle for any conclusive interpretation, there are no missteps for style in this visually inspired exploration of things lost and found. Nick & Chloé use exacting composition and exuberant color to articulate concepts without stomping all over their more ethereal edges. The result is insistently on point, whether in their many music or through a vast array of work, commercial, artistic, and editorial, alongside production house CASEY.
Commercially, Nick & Chloé’s past clients include Guerlain, Nike, Kenzo, Levi’s, New Era, Warner Music, EMI, Universal Music, HBO, BBC, Johnston & Murphy, PlayStation, Heineken, Absolut, Coca-Cola, Target, Audi, Volkswagen, Renault, Citroën, Mastercard, and Club Med.