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Waitrose Declares First Barbecue Flock of the Season

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Farmer Will and Waitrose announce barbecue season as new flock is spotted on his farm

Waitrose and Love Island’s Farmer Will (765k followers) have teamed up to announce the first barbecues of the season are out to pasture. It’s the moment food lovers have been waiting for, counting down the days with anticipation for the season to begin. 

The sixth-generation farmer is seen tending the new flock at his farm in Buckinghamshire in a new film with Waitrose. The video shows the highlights of the new season – with future prize winners, baby cues and even plant based varieties raring to go. 

Farmer Will says, “The nation has been waiting with bated breath for the first glimpse of these beautiful barbecues, as they shed their winter coats and frolic into gardens, patios and balconies for the first time this year. In the next few weeks we expect them to be  roaming in the wild all over the country and after last year's wet and disappointing season, I’m hoping this year will be perfect conditions for our prized barbecues!”

Farmer Will’s top tips for tending to your barbecue:

Give your barbecue the best food it deserves this season with recipes including Steak & ruby gem salad, Lamb & Jersey Royal skewers, Smoky quinoa & sweet potato burgers and Roast whole sea bass with green tikka, coriander & lime.

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