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Three UK Launches a Supercharged Book Club for the Video-on-Demand Age

Advertising Agency
London, United Kingdom
Gravity Road campaign connects TV show fans to discuss latest show
Three UK and Gravity Road has teamed up to create ‘The Binge Club’, which has been launched today with an epic new campaign to drive further awareness and demonstrate the benefits of the ‘Go Binge’ proposition.

As video-on-demand has changed our viewing habits, fear of leaking spoilers has left TV bingers longing for other fans to share in their excitement with. ‘The Binge Club’ is a supercharged book club for the VOD age, connecting fans and superfans to discuss the latest shows and epic fan theories in a series of themed online events. Supported by their favourite streaming services – including Netflix - enthusiasts are provided with a dedicated platform where they can discuss their feelings and reactions with the bingeing community, live on social, once they have devoured a particular season.

Three has enlisted a cohort of social influencers to launch ‘The Binge Club’ with a mind-bending trailer delivering a call to arms for Bingers everywhere. The club will be promoted, hosted and live streamed on Three’s and the influencers social pages where the influencers will be leading the conversation and interacting live with the online audience.

Prior to each ‘Binge Club,’ the host influencer announces the title of the show that the upcoming Binge cub episode will focus on, the audience will then be set a challenge to binge watch a certain number of episodes in a short period of time before the club convenes.

‘Binge Club’ members first task will be presented to them on Friday 27th October to coincide with the release of Stranger Things 2 on Netflix. Fans will have to face the challenge of watching the entire series within a four day period to then join the online comedy platform ‘the Wall of Comedy’ hosted by presenter Filly Yung on Halloween 31st October for the first ever Binge Club event.

Spokesperson at Three said: “For decades, fans of novels have had a place where they can meet up to discuss, debate and delight in what they’ve just read: the book club. However, there hasn’t really been an equivalent for TV shows, beyond online forums, and this age of VOD, where shows create more discussion and influence popular culture like never before, that really needs to change. The Binge Club is that change: providing an almost immediate outlet for binge watchers to continue debating shows long after the credits roll in a unique, interactive and hugely enjoyable online environment.”

Mark Boyd, Co-Founder at Gravity Road, said: “We want to create a safe space for Bingers everywhere - a forum where marathon viewing sessions and bizarre fan theories can be exchanged freely, away from the judging eyes of less committed consumers of mobile entertainment.

‘The Binge Club’ has been created in response to Three’s highly effective ‘Go Binge’ campaign that gives consumers unbridled access to their favourite shows whenever, and wherever they want. This was created in response to consumer insight revealed a whole new style of truly ‘on demand’ TV bingeing that was driving spontaneous conversations on social.
Agency / Creative
Work from Gravity Road