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This Production Company Is Embracing the Future with Canada’s First Experiential Director Roster

The Deli’s Kevin Saffer and Ben Robinson debut the shop’s new roster of dedicated XM directors, and break down how this first-of-its-kind endeavour in Canada will lead to work that’s never been done before, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt
Within adland, there’s been a lot of talk about experiential marketing (XM) as of late. Consumer engagement is on the rise, brands are recognising this as a worthy point of investment, and agencies around the world are answering the call, putting forth new offerings within this sector of marketing.

Among the pioneers in this segment is Toronto-based production company The Deli. Always eager to partner with those in need of experiential expertise over the last decade, it’s now gearing up for a new phase with the launch of its very own experiential director roster – a first-of-its-kind initiative in Canada.

“It's really exciting to be the first company in Canada to launch this type of roster,” says Ben Robinson, partner and executive producer. “There's such a growing need and demand for this style of work, and to be pioneers, leading the charge in that space is exciting.”

But just what does it mean to launch an experiential director roster in Canada? And what are the benefits of this new model? According to Ben, aside from some incredible and inspiring projects, this move promises process, comfort and a sense of confidence for agency and client partners – something which has long been missing within this specific market. 

“The industry is familiar with director rosters on the film side, but currently, one of the biggest issues plaguing  experiential work is the lack of process,” continues managing director and fellow executive producer Kevin Saffer. “That creates fear, anxiety and trepidation for creatives, producers and clients meaning that a lot of this type of work dies on the vine before it comes to fruition. Having a roster of experiential directors is a first step in solving that, because it models a bit of the approach from film, which can then lead to a more streamlined process – one that the industry is used to and can replicate.”

Ben and Kevin’s perspective holds weight. In an often chaotic corner of marketing, having professionals eager to bring a production lens to the table can significantly impact a project’s success. Ben explains how a “creative vacuum” often forms when only a producer and production designer are on set. While this pairing has its strengths, something crucial inevitably gets lost along the way.

“Even worse, sometimes the creatives at the agency end up having to sit in that experiential director chair, and they don't always want to,” he adds. “So, having a creative lead from the production side is crucial to the process.”

Assembling a Team

While understanding the process is important, there’s no doubt that The Deli will need to walk the walk in the coming months. That said, from top to bottom, the prospects are undeniably exciting

At a leadership level, Kevin and Ben are far from novices in the XM sphere. The former boasts both a production and agency background, having worked at TAXI right when this niche was first starting to bubble. “I sought that kind of work out,” he says. “I love the challenge of it, and that it's theatrical. You only get one shot at it, and I appreciate the live, immediateness of it all.”

Meanwhile, Ben’s experience is perfectly suited for the job, considering he started his career in theatre, before going to film school and moving up the production ladder.  “Experiential isn't anything new to either of us,” he confirms. “In the last 10 to 12 years, it's been a real focus and love for us; we've been doing it for a long, long time.”

And then of course, there’s the new roster itself. Consisting of Annie Saunders, Hal Kirkland, Ksawery Komputery, Tom Salamon, Travis Craw and Mitchell Cushman, each brings a unique skill set and background to the table. With a collective body of work spanning live events, stunts, immersive experiences and interactive/digital campaigns for the likes of Nintendo, Starbucks, Amazon, Mastercard, and more, each brings a strong, diverse resumé to the team. 

“We built it this way on purpose,” Ben explains. "Some started in film, some started in agencies, some were pure event people, some were theatre people; we wanted to assemble a really diverse roster because XM is far more than just handing out samples at the car show. ‘Experiential’ really is the umbrella term, all while each project can vary wildly, requiring a very specific skill set.”

Another advantage to a lineup such as this is that no matter the project, there’ll be a variety of perspectives readily available to help the work blossom. Whether it’s the directors themselves, or the two executive producers, each will be able to bring an original lens through which projects will be honed into their sharpest form.

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned throughout the years of producing and managing experiential projects, it’s that you can’t look at the work from a traditional film point of view,” Kevin says. “Not to diminish classic production, but XM is often more complicated than your standard 30-second spot. So for these new directors to have such amazing backgrounds, and for us to have this experience – both served as catalysts for the formation of this roster.”

Mastering the Juggling Act

While a shop that balances both traditional production and experiential rosters isn’t something the Canadian market has seen before, the opportunity here is enormous. Sure, Ben and Kevin agree that scaling the company up to its full potential won’t be an overnight affair, but boasting a growing film roster packed with live action local and international talent, as well as this new XM offering poses unprecedented potential.

Describing the two sides as “hands that talk to each other”, Ben says these components are going to harmonise – complementing each other brilliantly. “While there are other XM shops in Canada, with our background in production, we think we have a viewpoint that others don’t have. We’re going to be able to execute our experiential campaigns with a very high level of service.”

Simultaneously, he refers to the fact that some of the coolest ads in the past few years have captured “epic brand takeovers” or events that brands have played a crucial role in – material which can absolutely be used to elevate broadcast production via stunt footage, earned media, influencer marketing and video assets. 

“XM has really made us look at the work differently and think outside the box as producers,” Ben continues. “The possibilities in that space are endless – it’s all about work which nobody has done before – so we want to take that mentality and use some of the skills at our disposal to help our film directors as well.”

So, if all this goes to plan, what can people expect from The Deli through 2025 and beyond? According to Kevin, big goals include introducing these directors to locals, educating agencies and brands on new capabilities, and continuing to innovate in the production world..

“I think this has been a long time coming,” he reflects. “In today’s digital world, consumers are craving authentic interactions with brands, and are looking for ways to engage that are different from the status quo. XM is, in large part, the answer to that.

Adding to this, Ben emphasises that he’s really excited to “do some cool work, and have a good time doing it.” 

“We want to help the market get a firm grasp of what's possible, and I think showing the industry how effective this kind of work is would be really nice,” he concludes. “ We’ve got a great roster of directors on both XM and live action sides – now it’s time to become a production company of the future.”

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