Company Profiles in association withThe Immortal Awards

This Canadian Production Company Prioritises Finding Sincerity and Humanity in Every Story

Director duo Ben Consmueller and Ilia Lipsman discuss the recent rebrand of their business to ‘Far & Away’, and how two travel photographers got into the world of directing, aiming to tell stories everyone involved can be proud of, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt

A good industry origin story is something that just about everyone in adland can appreciate, and that of director duo Ben Consmueller and Ilia Lipsman is no exception to this rule. Two childhood friends with a passion for history and mythology, the pair grew up to discover that this translated incredibly well to a career in travel photography, which took them around the world. A globetrotting adventure only halted by the arrival of covid-19, they would then try their hand at something new and make a documentary, a pursuit which struck a chord so resonant that it inspired an entirely new career direction for the duo. Working under the name Ilienfero Productions, the two set up shop in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and they’ve been going strong since, telling stories with sincerity and humanity.

Of course, those who’ve been keeping tabs on the business might have flagged something in the last paragraph which, as of late February, is now outdated. Excitingly, Ben and Ilia recently unveiled a rebrand, featuring a fresh new visual identity, website, and, crucially, name. Now going by Far & Away – a designation which represents a mutual desire to leap into the unknown and bring back stories that resonate on a human level – the pair are excited to keep expanding their Canadian presence under this new banner. Firm believers in the fact that they only have one chance to tell a story, the aim is simple but effective: push every piece to its limits, and make each better than the last. This is what they’ve been doing, and will continue to do across 2025 – a production company on the rise and worth watching, undoubtedly.

To learn more about their story, the rebrand, and the ethos which guides their work, LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt sat down with Ben and Ilia for a chat.

LBB> From the top, tell us a little about your history. How did the company now known as Far & Away get started, and how did you evolve into the production house you are today?

Ben & Ilia> After our cameras had taken us around the world as photographers, it was odd being stuck in one spot when covid-19 hit. It felt like the world was telling us it was time for a new beginning (kind of like this one). We made our first documentary short that year (2020), and the feeling of telling a story through film was indescribable. Suffice to say, we had been bit by the bug. We consider that to be the moment that prompted us to form a production company under the name Ilienfero Productions (a mashup of sorts of both our names). We hit the ground running, writing and directing our first commercial for Vogue Optical shortly thereafter.

Since then, it’s been steady progress. Our aim has always been to grow sustainably – we never want to compromise our standards or our capacity to produce sincere stories with people we admire. I can’t think of a better example of this than the short film we made for MS Canada, ‘Always Felt’. Seeing it succeed at the Young Director Award at Cannes Lions and other festivals has been a true stake in the ground for us. We knew then that we were on the right path.

As we grew and refined our craft, it became clear that it was time for our name to evolve too. ‘Far & Away’ is really a reflection of our journey as creatives – venturing out into the unknown, sometimes into the uncomfortable, and pushing both ourselves as well as our partners and collaborators creatively to tell stories we’re all proud of.

LBB> Seeing as you both started in photography, how did that background influence your journey into the directorial world? Did you expect to end up where you did?

Ben & Ilia> The road to today really started with two childhood friends who had a love of history and mythology. We look to history and legend to teach us what it is to be human, and travelling as photographers, what we came to realise was that it was the everyday stories of people we met along the way that were the true reflection of our shared history, experience and humanity. Throughout our time, we honed our craft, understanding the power of light, composition, and what evokes emotion. Those early lessons have gone on to shape us as directors.

We really fell into directing almost by accident when we produced that first documentary short, and we had to learn a lot on the fly. But, we already had a very strong foundation of trust and communication between each other, and we were confident in the story we wanted to tell. One thing that has served us well these past five years is that we each see and process problems differently; it’s so valuable to have that second pair of eyes, and at this point, it often feels like we know exactly what the other will say.

Over the years, we’ve had a lot of moments on projects where we’ve looked at each other and thought, ‘Are we really here? Are we really doing this?’, and to be honest, we never want to lose that feeling. Whether it’s creating an internationally-recognised branded film or a spot for a dream client like RBC Training Ground, we know the two history geeks that started this on a whim years ago never expected to be where we are today, but we’re so thankful to be here, and to continue to have the opportunity to make meaningful work.

LBB> What sort of ethos guides both your company, and your work? Why are these factors so important, and what do they represent to you?

Ben & Ilia> When we were brainstorming about what we wanted our new name to be, we came across a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” This just about sums it up for us. We’ve always been driven by the idea that we’ll only have one chance to tell a story, so it needs to be told well. We need to give it all we’ve got. That’s really why the idea behind Far & Away became our North Star. We always aspire to push our craft to be better than it was the day before.

LBB> Let’s talk more about the rebrand – what made now the right time for this shift, and specifically?

Ben & Ilia> There were definitely a few factors at play. Something we contemplated for a while was that the rise of AI has made it feel more important than ever to tell stories that connect us to our shared humanity. Far & Away encapsulates our journey as creatives from start to finish, from our past as travel photographers to who we are today, and who we’ll become tomorrow.

The name is also crucial. We see ourselves in that Theodore Roosevelt quote, in the way we want to exist as creatives and as a company. We see it in the way we approach creative and work with collaborators: with a call to journey into the unfamiliar together. In our minds, Far & Away is where you have to put yourself mentally (and sometimes physically) to tell ‘unmistakably sincere stories’. It just seemed to fit in every conceivable way. Plus, as we mentioned in the press release, “we knew we needed a name that people could actually pronounce and remember!”

LBB> The new aesthetic branding, especially the logo, looks awesome! What was the design process like?

Ben & Ilia> First of all, thank you so much! The design process was certainly an intensive one. Through a lot of conversations with our designer, Paul Atwood from Halifax-based Quartertone Studio, and our fractional consultant Drew Baldwin from Part&Parcel, we came to the realisation that at its core, our brand needed to represent what we value most in the way we work: our spirit of sincerity and adventure. The human story is ever evolving, yet never changing. There are certain factors that just make us who we are.

So with our branding, we really wanted to capture this sense of timelessness, as well as nod to our love for history and mythology. From there, it was really about sifting through countless different historical references, images, and quotes with the team until we had a feeling and an aesthetic that matched. With the final word-mark and icon, all the elements really came together as a representation – in our minds – of the cover of an old book. The design represents a balance to us, much like the way we tell stories: classic yet adventurous, intimate yet expansive, rooted in sincerity yet unafraid of the unknown. All the credit has to go to Paul and Drew, without whom none of this would’ve been possible.

LBB> On a creative level, how do you embody these sentiments from project to project?

Ben & Ilia> On a creative level, the core of our approach is about venturing forth with our collaborators – whether it's brands or agencies – into uncharted waters. We love working closely with our partners to explore new possibilities, and challenge what we perceive to be the boundaries of any given project. It’s a lesson we’ve taken from history, myths and legends: fortune favours the brave. It’s when we’re in unknown territory that we become vulnerable. It may take a bit of courage to go there. But we find it’s in those moments, when expectations are set aside, we can find the sincerity and humanity in a story. Put simply, we like to push things (respectfully, of course!) just outside of everyone’s comfort zone, and that’s where the magic happens!

LBB> Can you give us some examples of this?

Ben & Ilia> The first was our work with Legal Aid Nova Scotia in early 2024. Initially, we set out to create a brand film about the organisation. But after a few conversations, we saw an incredible opportunity to turn it into something more – a short biopic of its first executive director, R. Gordon Murray. It took a little convincing, plus a three-hour drive to meet and chat with 92-year-old Gordon (we got to be on a first name basis) in his retirement home, but in the end, we were able to tell the story of the organisation through the eyes of the man who essentially founded it in the late ‘60s. What started as a simple brand film became something deeply personal; we ended up holding an intimate premiere with his family and friends – one of the most emotional moments not only of our careers, but of our lives. We feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to tell the story of his legacy and share it with him before he passed late last year.

The second example is ‘Always Felt’. MS Canada had never done a brand film before, so when we approached the team with this creative, it was completely new territory for them. Through many conversations, we worked together to ensure we could represent a young person’s journey with MS in the most respectful and authentic way possible. Casting was crucial, and after an extensive search, we found a young woman with personal experience with MS, which brought a level of authenticity that couldn’t be manufactured. From there, the momentum just snowballed, almost as if the universe understood how much blood, sweat, and tears went into this film. When it went on to receive international recognition, it was extremely gratifying as we had truly poured our hearts and souls into this project.

LBB> Interestingly, you’re located in Halifax – one of Canada’s most underappreciated markets. What’s the appeal of being on the East Coast for you? And what are some of the major advantages to shooting in that region?

Ben & Ilia> Great question! We totally agree, Halifax (and Nova Scotia in general) is definitely an underappreciated market. We grew up here, and even though we’ve had the opportunity to travel around the world, there’s something about this place that keeps calling us back. There’s really a little bit of everything in Nova Scotia. From forests, farmland, mountains, beaches and coastal towns, to the urban hub of Halifax, we’ve got pretty much any kind of location you could ask for. On top of that, Maritimers are truly the kindest people you’ll ever meet. Not to get too maritime-y, but it’s like this place has its own siren song. The people, the landscapes, the lifestyle – simply put, it’s home.

It’s also a market that’s growing quickly. We’re seeing more long-form productions here than ever before, and the advertising world appears to be trending in the same direction. On a good day, we like to think that we’re in the right place at the right time! (If you’ve never shot out here before, we’re happy to play host and let you in on our little secret).

But even as we have the good fortune to be part of the burgeoning film scene here on the East Coast, we’re excited to be expanding west across Canada. This past year, we travelled for shoots more than we shot in Halifax! We went to Toronto (multiple times), Montreal, Chicago, France, and even Trinidad & Tobago. As befits our name, we seem to be developing something of a reputation as the production studio people come to for telling stories both far and away!

LBB> With that in mind, what should potential partners know about you?

Ben & Ilia> First and foremost, we’re a full-service creative studio! We are capable of everything from creative direction all the way through to final delivery. or as we say on our (also new) website, “from concept to completion.” We work closely with a trusted network of frequent collaborators and creative partners on all of our projects to execute at the same high level folks have come to expect from us as directors.

On top of that, we’re beginning to dip our toes into original content, with our first short film greenlit for production, and a couple more original scripts in development. And, in case it wasn’t already clear, we’re equally as comfortable shooting farther afield from Halifax as we are at home, although if your shoot brings you to Nova Scotia, we’re happy to be your ‘boots on the ground’, providing comprehensive production services.

LBB> Finally, what are your goals for 2025 and beyond? What can we expect to see of Far & Away in the coming months?

Ben & Ilia> We rebranded as Far & Away now to set the tone – after all, it’s all about the vibes these days – for our next chapter in the business, which is already under way.

In terms of work, there’s a lot on the go over the next few months! Nothing we can discuss too much publicly just yet, but we’re about to start production on a series of branded short documentaries, we’ll be up in Toronto directing a spot at the end of the March, and we’re working on our first original short film. We’re really excited about this next chapter in our careers as directors, and as a business, we’re excited to show the world who Far & Away is and what we’re capable of!

Work from Far & Away
Always Felt
MS Canada
Father's Day
Mark's Work Warehouse
Moose Country
Halifax Mooseheads
LBB’s Global Sponsor