You may just start to wish your spouse snored even louder. In what may be the most apt example of converting something historically displeasing into a delight for many, Sleepzone has launched, a digital platform that transforms the sound of snores into discount coupons for a promotion. The louder the decibel value of the snore, the larger the discount.
Snoring is more than often a symptom of sleeping on the wrong kind of pillow, and that’s where Sleepzone steps in to offer a range of fluffy, comfortable pillows to help you sleep better. Targeting those who have been driven to the edge of lunacy due to the thunderous night-time concerts emitted by their sleeping spouses, Sleepzone offers the best possible remedy: a more comfortable pillow.
Launched through film and radio, the campaign – put together by Adpro&, IMPACT BBDO and Impact Proximity — invites people to record a 15-second clip of their partner’s snores while they doze. An in-built algorithm then translates the decibel level, the pitch of the voice, and the general annoyance level into a tailored discount percentage, ready to be claimed by the customer.
“At SleepZone, we believe sleep isn’t just a luxury—it’s a cornerstone of health and happiness,” said Ahmad Jarrar, General Manager at SleepZone. “With this campaign, we’ve taken a common challenge and turned it into an opportunity for people to improve their sleep and relationships while having a little fun along the way.”
Ali Rez, regional chief creative officer at IMPACT BBDO, said, “A successful sales promotion is one which a consumer can tap into even while they’re dozing. The campaign is a good argument for the word to be spelt $leep.”
Since its launch, hundreds of recordings have been made of an incredible library of snores, ranging from the somewhat harmonious to the downright frightful - some have even recorded their pets snoring – and all have been turned into discounts for pillows. The campaign has increased foot traffic significantly to Sleepzone locations