Titled ‘Wealth’, RHB Bank’s latest Chinese New Year film, which was conceived and created by FCB SHOUT, tells the true story of Tan Swee Ban, a selfless Penangite who dedicates his life to run Peace & Harmony Home, a not-for-profit nursing centre in Penang that takes care of the sick and neglected elderly. While starting a nursing home is indeed a noble and remarkable act in itself, what made Tan’s heart-wrenching yet inspiring story spread like wildfire all over social media over the past few months was the sacrifices that he made in order to start and maintain the home.
Told from the perspective of Tan’s mother, the film explores the conflicted emotions of a parent who had to witness and support her son sacrifice his career, his house, his time and even his health in order to serve those who had nothing to offer him in return.
Abdul Sani Abdul Murad, chief marketing officer of RHB Group, said, “We often associate a person’s legacy with the material wealth that they leave behind, but Mr. Tan’s remarkable story completely flips this notion. He demonstrated that true wealth is measured by one’s actions, which ultimately become their lasting legacy. As Chinese New Year is a celebration that is closely tied to the concept of prosperity, his story feels especially meaningful. Mr. Tan’s selflessness serves as a timely reminder to value not just what we see, but what we feel in our hearts – because that is the kind of wealth that endures for a lifetime. To me, this is the essence of true progress.”
Meanwhile, Tjer, FCB SHOUT’s executive creative director, added, “When we discovered Mr. Tan's story, we were immediately moved by the journey of his greatest supporter – his mother. Supporting her son as he chose to sacrifice almost everything in his life to selflessly serve others would be challenging for any parent. And yet, despite being sent to a nursing home by her own son – a scenario that many parents would consider their greatest nightmare – it actually became her source of pride. This poignant conflict of emotions is what makes the story so powerful, and I’d like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to our production partners at D Moving Pictures and GT Records for capturing it so beautifully.”
“This story hits home, especially during a season like this when we’re all so focused on pursuing material wealth. This Chinese New Year, as we celebrate prosperity, let’s take a moment to think about the connections we build and the impact we leave behind. At the end of the day, it’s not about what we have, but what we give – that’s the kind of wealth that truly defines who we are and makes this festive season even more meaningful,” Ong Shi Ping, FCB SHOUT’s co-owner and chief creative officer, concluded.
‘Wealth’ was released on 15 January 2025 and is running across all RHB Bank’s social and digital channels in conjunction with the Chinese New Year festive celebration, which starts on 29 January 2024. In the four days since its launch, the film has received tremendously positive reviews, along with over 7,200,000 views and over 24,000 likes across all social channels whilst becoming RHB’s best performing CNY film on YouTube.