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Rekorder and Nora Fingscheidt Explore Her First Steps into the World of Commercials

A recap of the panel talk with Nora Fingscheidt and CEO of Rekorder, Werner Klemm, during the closing event of Berlin Commercial

Nora Fingscheidt, a German feature film director and screenwriter known for her recent Netflix film, 'The Unforgivable,' starring Sandra Bullock, is celebrated for her distinct and unfiltered filmmaking approach. Her works delve into the narratives of those often side-lined by society, reflecting her deep commitment to portraying genuine social dynamics. Through her films, Nora masterfully crafts immersive atmospheres, skilfully utilising close-ups and extended takes to evoke powerful emotions in her audience. 

Having spent many years in the film industry, Nora is now taking a new venture into the world of commercials. Her worldwide representation for commercials, Berlin-based production company Rekorder, welcomes her new chapter at the closing event at the 2023 Berlin Commercial Festival for Creatives of Visual Culture.

Nora Fingscheidt and the CEO of Rekorder, Werner Klemm, were invited for a panel talk for the closing event. During this discussion on stage, they explored and discussed her feature film work, creative process and thoughts on a chosen selection of commercials.

The discussion starts with Nora’s feature film 'System Crasher'.

Werner Klemm> How do you direct highly emotional scenes? How do you speak to the actors?

Nora Fingscheidt> First of all, I must understand who I am working with. Of course, with kids, it is different. For example, with Benni (System Crasher protagonist Helena Zengel), you must make it as playful as possible. You would never say, “Oh, you are the traumatised child. Now freak out.”, I would always go like, “You have superpowers and you can make every adult in this room be afraid of you.”

Before becoming a director, I was certified in actor coaching, which gave me the advantage of understanding how to direct, empathise and engage with actors. The kid, Helena, from System Crasher was also a professional skater on ice, so the discipline was notorious in her.

Following the System Crasher trailer, they proceed to look at the next trailer of Nora’s most recent Netflix film starring Sandra Bullock - 'The Unforgivable'.

Werner Klemm> What was it like working in Hollywood with Sandra Bullock?

Nora FingscheidtAn overwhelming experience and, of course, a fantastic opportunity. A bit surreal all the way through. I remember the first meeting at Sandra’s house and she hugged me and said in German 'Welcome, Nora, what a great film you made. You want a coffee or a cookie?' - suddenly I wasn’t nervous anymore. Sandra’s capacity to make you release fear is unique.

It was also a really challenging time filming The Unforgivable during covid-19, especially on a set with a two-meter distance from the actors while filming. But I was accompanied by great people from whom I learned so much, like our producer Graham King who made films like 'The Departed'.

Working in America was also very new for me and I had to move my full family to the US. My eldest son was quite unhappy to attend school in America at the beginning, but then he got the vibe and now identifies as Californian!

Werner Klemm> In preparation to this conversation, you have selected some commercials that you find inspiring for different reasons. The first one is Kenzo directed by Spike Jonze.

Nora FingscheidtWhen I see this ad, it really hits home because that’s what I feel inside most of the time. Her energy is insane. People on set or during production always say 'You are so calm!' but inside I am freaking out. Since I was a child, I wanted to be a director as soon as I understood that this is actually a real profession. I am a bit of a control freak - as all directors are probably - and I was always trying to lead the games we were playing as kids, my ideas would never stop and sometimes it was annoying - so I guess directing is the perfect profession for me. 

Kenzo | Spike Jonze | Kenzo World

Expedia | Nicolás Méndez | Lemons

Nora Fingscheidt> Nico’s Lemons ad for Expedia combines creativity, humour, and relatability so well, its so poetic! There is no big surprise or joke at the end, it’s more subtle and so beautifully shot. Yet the recurring lemon motif not only aligns perfectly with the ad's central message but also makes you think about another layer, turning challenges into something magical. 

AMERICAN EXPRESS | Jim Jenkins | One Hour Photo starring Martin Scorsese

Nora Fingscheidt> It brilliantly shows Marty’s talent for acting and the incapacity of directors to let free, and precisely in commercials, you can play this humour. I think the timing and everything about this ad is perfect - the idea is so simple but so on point!

MINI | Yorgos Lanthimos | NIMIC | Trailer

Nora Fingscheidt> I saw this film on a festival and was so surprised it was produced for MINI. It’s such a smart and unusual idea of bringing a product into people’s heads. You don’t see a car, but the film stays with you. No compromises. So I became curious and started researching about it. I think it is a reason that I am working with Rekorder now. I love exploring the edges of a form, genre or idea and I am naturally drown to people who do the same. In general, short forms are amazing. I have always made short films - even after finishing The Unforgivable, I directed a short film with Diane Kruger in New York. You can work in more abstract and experimental ways than in the long form.

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