After the passage of Hurricane OTIS in Acapulco, Guerrero, Reinserta moved to provide support to children and adolescents (NNyA) in the area.
This March the short film made by Grey Mexico and Oriental Films was presented at Sierra Gorda 495. This emotional short film tells the story of two sisters who fear the powerful force of a "Hurricane" that finally turns out to be their aggressor. This piece of impeccable craft and heartbreaking acting was directed by Alex Olten and Iris Valles "Garra" and with the cinematography of Pedro Luque, recently nominated to the Oscars for the film “Society of the Snow.”
"To really understand the suffering experienced by victims of childhood sexual violence, we have to put ourselves in their shoes and feel the pain as our own. That's what we want to achieve with Hurricane," said Saskia Niño De Rivera, co-founder and spokesperson for
The funds raised through this campaign will be invested in the reconstruction of the shelter affected by the hurricane, reconstruction that began on March 16, in which more than 100 children live, and in providing them with therapy focused on psychotrauma and mental health.
"It is a powerful and simple idea that we wanted to tell as a movie, generate tension and with great cinematography to raise awareness to everyone, not only to Mexicans who lived the impact of Hurricane Otis, but to all those who want to help this beautiful cause and Reinserta's programs." explained Alexis Ospina, chief creative officer of Grey Mexico.
7 out of 10 girls and adolescents in Guerrero are survivors of some type of violence (INEGI). Mexico ranks first in child sexual abuse (Save the children. April, 2023). In Guerrero 20% of pedophilia cases occur with sexual tourism (El Sol de Acapulco; Nieves, H. 2023, February 19). 20% of international tourist trips are made with the purpose of having sex.
Within this shelter there are children and adolescents who unfortunately have experienced some type of serious violence, being survivors of sexual abuse, child trafficking, abandonment by their family, or the loss of their parents. These children, given the context, are especially vulnerable to natural disasters such as Otis.
In Reinserta we will continue working so that children and adolescents grow up in a safe space free of violence. We invite you to join us in rebuilding the future of child survivors of violence so that they can once again have the Acapulco they deserve.