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Re-Setting Out of Home in 2022

After the covid pandemic hit, OOH advertising got put to the test. Posterscope takes a look at how it has adapted and reset in 2022

It’s fair to say, OOH has come under scrutiny since the pandemic hit, testing the channel’s ability to flex and adapt to unpredictable circumstances. But flex and adapt it did. The industry implemented multiple strategies and initiatives to ensure that OOH continued to deliver as an effective and efficient channel for clients during this period. 

Since then we’ve been looking at how people have adapted to the way they Work, Shop and Play when OOH, and importantly how this varies to what they did pre-pandemic. This insight has helped us to re-set OOH in 2022, and importantly make sure that we continue to plan effective and efficient OOH campaigns that connect with audiences, in a creative and innovative way.

When Getting Attention isn’t Enough

Our new OCS research indicates that 63% of people are now paying more attention to their day-to-day surroundings and as a result, are more positive, taking more notice and paying more attention to OOH than ever before. DOOH is being noticed +10%, with an increase of 5% in appreciation for the simplicity of OOH messaging in confusing and changing times.

And with rising mistrust in social media and ‘fake news,’ OOH offers familiar, reassuring, and tangible experiences to digital weary and sceptical audiences. 63% of people agreed that OOH was familiar and friendly, with 73% agreeing OOH was a good fit for innovative brands.

Most importantly, people trust OOH. 

So how can our approach to planning and buying OOH help advertisers reach audiences when they’re outside of the home?

Data is the bedrock of OOH 

Our proprietary Mobility Index – powered by 3 mobile data - monitors weekly mobility and ensures we’re tracking the highest mobility areas nationally and at a proximity level. 

And our new OCS survey allows us to better understand the differences in consumer behaviour pre and post covid – a key finding of which is the shift from covid being the main influencer on mobility, to seasonal and habitual factors such as weather or hybrid working.

Return of Cities

In 2022 we’re seeing a ‘Reverse Donut Effect”* as people return to city centres across the country, with mobility jumping from 67% in lockdown, to a hugely positive 81%.  Road traffic is back to pre-covid levels, plus suburban mobility has plateaued, indicating a return to ‘normal.’ 

And while Weekday footfall is still recovering (2/3rds of pre-pandemic), the weekend is at post pre-covid levels (at 103%).

This gap between Weekday, Evening and Weekend footfall shows people are now willing to return to city centres for leisure, shopping, and entertainment. This has been driven by the night-time economy, seasonal events, and the return to live sports.

This offers advertisers a renewed focus on city centre OOH, vital to reaching young, affluent, connected, and mobile consumers that Work, Shop and Play there. It drives mass awareness, impact, and fame for launch campaigns, plus engagement with customisations and innovative experiences across environments, formats and DOOH.


According to OCS, only 15% of people who previously commuted five day a week have moved to a hybrid working pattern. Workers who already commuted less than five days a week have made minimal routine changes. 

Tuesday – Thursday are the busiest commuter days, as a high % of hybrid workers favour Monday and Friday at home. This offers advertisers with smaller budgets a chance to be more targeted mid-week on commuting formats to achieve the most reach. Interestingly we are also seeing traditional travel times return, peaking with AM and PM commutes.

For OOH planning, whilst coverage is not anticipated to be impacted, frequency may be affected. To ensure OOH frequency is maintained, there are three planning options:

1. Include local roadside hometowns to cover WFH days as an upweight to typical commuter plans

2. Run a ‘lighter for longer’  time frame on commuter formats such as Rail and LU to build back frequency over time

3. Appreciate it’s only 15% of audiences who this lower frequency impacts and OOH is a high frequency channel and continue as BAU.


Our campaign effectiveness Benchmarks research proves that OOH drives action across a range of responses at all stages of the purchase funnel. Consumers who see OOH advertising are 56% more likely to make an online purchase and 28% more likely to make an in-store purchase. Considering proximity OOH is the channel most seen in the 30 mins before purchase this is a fantastic opportunity for brands to drive saliency, footfall in-store and online via QR codes, URL’s and Search.


2022 is the year we once again enjoy all the amenities our cities, towns and local areas have to offer.

This offers advertisers a new opportunity to increase impacts outside of weekday targeting, and target audiences with contextual and relevant messaging, based on what they are doing, thinking, and feeling at each location.

Social and experiential based businesses are the main drivers of growth on the high street. Venues are evolving into multi-functional spaces to maximise revenue, vacant retail spaces are being transformed into entertainment and food districts and people are willing to travel for these experiences. 

Catchment analysis data has identified that at weekends people are travelling further to enjoy city centres compared to pre-covid, so advertisers should consider the total journey, not just the destination, of their audiences. 

And although international travel restrictions have lifted overall, the staycation remains popular, and this is an untapped opportunity for brands to reach audiences as they travel to and from these localised destinations


So people are ‘on the move’ in 2022, travelling back to city centres for working, shopping, and playing. Using our proprietary tools, data, and location expertise, we can help advertisers reach these audiences as they either go about their old routines or establish new ones. OOH campaigns with trusted, relevant, and memorable messages can adapt and flex to any changes in audience behaviour. Plus, an increase in using high impact, creative customisations will give extra cut through for the big launches this year. 

2022 is indeed a great time to be OOH!

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