Marrying the story of Rapunzel, a fair maiden in distress and her knight in shining armour, with that of Specsavers, the game-changing optician brand, to create a witty retelling of a beloved fairytale...
Rapunzel really needs help, but she’s in a bit of a fix, you see.
Due to ‘certain circumstances’ she’s unable to leave her ‘house’...
Her eyes are getting so much worse, she really does need an eye test and a new pair of glasses, but what’s a housebound fair maiden to do?
But fear not, help is at hand...
The knight in shining armour, who also happens to be a Specsavers Optometrist, is galloping her way on his trusty steed, braving dragonfire as he goes, and bringing everything with him to test her eyes and try on some stylish new frames too. What a dreamboat.