People in association withLBB Pro

Please Be Interesting: Omar Bustos

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Crispin Porter + Bogusky's series continues with Omar's interests in Urban Planning, surfing and finding new creative outlets

It's a different world. And we’re a different Crispin.

Meet some of our humans making things happen behind the scenes. We asked them a few questions, with one requirement… to please keep it interesting.

Name, Title? 

Omar Bustos, head of production / EP.

How do you explain what you do to your family/friends? 

I say: “I make the commercials you like; not the ones you skip through (hopefully).”

How do you start your day? 

On a normal day, my kids wake up at an ungodly hour. We listen to Morning Edition on NPR; drink coffee and I try to exercise before starting my workday. Then on Friday mornings I like to surf. It’s the carrot I chase all week.

What’s on your desk right now? 

A baseball, a paper mache pig my son made, vitamins and a lottery ticket (I lost).

What would you be doing if you didn’t work in the creative industry? 

I am fascinated by Urban Planning. If I weren’t in the creative industry, I might be trying to figure out how to make Los Angeles more pedestrian friendly.

What's a piece of work that really stood out to you in the last year? 

I was blown away by the cinematic experience of watching Oppenheimer on 70mm film. It was maybe my favourite post-pandemic movie going experience. Viva cinema!

What film, TV show or piece of online content do you love that no one else seems to like? 

Michael Mann’s Miami Vice is an underappreciated masterpiece.

How do you apply your creative skills to another area of your life?

I am always trying to find a new creative outlet. I am five classes and eight chords into learning the guitar. Pretty sure I’ll be touring by this time next year.

What’s your biggest hot take? 

AI has no soul.

Anything else you feel like sharing with us? 

Barbie and Oppenheimer showed us once again that an original story in the hands of a gifted filmmaker will always prevail. The cinema pendulum is finally swinging in the right direction.

Agency / Creative
Work from Crispin
Halo to Summer
Halo Top