People in association withLBB Pro

My Biggest Lesson: Ivan Olita

Production Company
New York, USA
The BRAVO creative director and filmmaker reflects on Werner Herzog's simple but profound mantra
Ivan Olita is a creative director and filmmaker originally from Milan, currently based in Los Angeles. With his roots in fashion and music, he has consulted for renowned publications including Vogue, Rolling Stone, V Magazine, and W Magazine, collaborating with prominent figures such as Oprah Winfrey and Karl Lagerfeld, as well as artists like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus.

Under the mentorship of Werner Herzog, Ivan made a transition to filmmaking, earning recognition as 'documentary's foremost stylist.' He is currently in pre-production for his debut fiction feature. He is the founder of BRAVÒ Enterprises, a holding entity of four specialised companies dedicated to content creation, talent curation, story development, and AI image-making. BRAVÒ's client portfolio includes industry giants like Apple, Versace, Conde Nast, and A24.

One of the most transformative mantras I've ever received came from my mentor, Werner Herzog, the legendary filmmaker. His sage advice was simple but profound: "Do the doable."

When I first started my career as a filmmaker, I was incredibly fortunate to be chosen by Herzog to attend his iconic Rogue Film School. Spending a week with a small group of filmmakers from around the world, immersed in conversations about cinema with a master like Werner, was enriching beyond words. The experience wasn't just about learning technical skills—it was about understanding the philosophy, attitude, and poetry that drive great storytelling.

What I took away from that week has stayed with me throughout my career and life. 

Herzog's mantra, "Do the doable," carries a deep wisdom because of its sheer simplicity. It's not tied to any specific industry, context, or situation. It can be applied to any challenge, from business to personal life, from creative or production constraints to everyday obstacles.

In the context of the Rogue Film School, "do the doable" had a specific meaning for aspiring filmmakers like me. Resources were limited, and the urge for perfection could be paralysing. Herzog's advice reminded us that it's okay to start with what you have and build from there. You don't need a massive crew or endless reassurance to create something meaningful. You just need to take that first step with the resources at hand and give it your best.

This mantra has become a guiding light for me, not just in filmmaking but in every facet of my career as a creative director and entrepreneur. It's about recognising your limitations and then finding a way to work within them without compromising quality. It's about staying focused on what you can achieve and building momentum from there.

Consider these scenarios where "do the doable" becomes invaluable:

  • You want to make a friend's birthday special, but you're swamped with work. Do the doable. A simple gesture like a heartfelt card or a quick video call can mean a lot.
  • Your annual budget is cut in half, yet the demands remain the same. Do the doable. Find creative solutions that stretch resources, like streamlining operations or renegotiating contracts.
  • A client asks for yet another round of revisions, pushing you to the limit. Do the doable.
  • You want to start training for a marathon but feel out of shape. Do the doable. Begin with manageable goals, like a daily jog, and build from there.
  • Your team is understaffed, but deadlines are looming. Do the doable. Prioritise the most critical tasks and delegate wherever possible.
  • You have a creative project in mind but lack the resources to execute it fully. Do the doable. Start with a scaled-down version or a prototype to test the waters.

The beauty of this mantra is that it encourages action without pressure to be perfect. it acknowledges that doing something, even small, can lead to unexpected opportunities. It's not about settling; it's about embracing what you can do and trusting that it will lead to more.

And here's the most interesting part: once you commit to doing the doable, a proactive energy emerges. It's like a ballooning effect—as you start to take action, the scope of what's possible expands. Doing the doable leads to unexpected opportunities and momentum that carries you further than you initially anticipated. It’s a self-fulfilling intention that grows with each step you take.

When you share "do the doable" with others, whether it's your team or friends, it becomes a powerful motivator. It reassures them that they have the tools to succeed, even when the path ahead seems daunting. It's a way to inspire action without overwhelming.

This mindset has guided me through countless challenges, and I hope it does the same for you. Remember, sometimes the simplest advice can be the most profound. When you focus on doing the doable, you'll find that the possibilities are endless.
Work from BRAVÒ
Spring Classics
Marshall X Patta Ft. BabyxSosa
Prep Culture
Tommy Hilfiger w/ High Snobiety