Last week Native was graced by the presence of Laura Doggett.
First stop was RKCR/Y&R for a Tea Room Session, which Native curates. Laura sung to the room and captivated the audience. Sessions like these are always interesting as you see the artist go from arriving, and wondering what on earth they are in for, to being greeted by the warmth and gratitude of the agency - and leaving on a high.
The team then jumped into a car and headed to Jungle Studios, Native's home and the venue for its own showcases - Lounge Sessions.
Laura (and Mark on keys), then wowed the packed room, with her incredible voice and strength of songs. The depth and weight of Laura's songs are counter-balanced by her light and playful personality that came across so well in between. The intimate environment always makes these showcases special occasions, but this one even more so. You could feel the connection between artist and audience from the outset.
The Native team commented: "Everyone stuck around for drinks and food, and Laura hung out with us all for a while too. Nobody really wanted to go home. It was a special showcase, that we will remember for a long time. Don't miss the next one - it's big."