People in association withLBB Pro

Moving the Needle: Carla Freire

Creative Agency
New York, USA
adam&eveDDB NY's account supervisor on finding solutions, not taking yourself too seriously and teamwork

At DDB, our people are the heart and soul to our agency. We believe that the inclusivity of thought and background leads to when we, as a company, are able to be the most authentic and creative. Thus, allowing creativity to be the most powerful force within our business; it has the power to make people laugh, cry, think, alter their behaviour, create change for the world, and impact culture.

1) Name, Title, Office, Link to LinkedIn Page

Carla> Carla Freire, account supervisor, LinkedIn

2) What is your personal mantra?

Carla> I don’t have a set mantra, but I always remind myself that tomorrow is a new day. In this fast-paced industry, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. I try to step back, take a deep breath, and remember that no matter how big the challenge feels, a solution will come. Keeping things in perspective and not taking ourselves too seriously is key.

3) How did you wind up in advertising?

Carla> When I graduated with a degree in communication, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do but knew I wanted to be involved in marketing and creative work. I ended up at a small ad agency in Central Jersey, working on projects for two notable shopping centres. That’s when I realised how well advertising agencies brings together my communication skills and my passion for strategy and creativity. I’m not a creative myself, but I love being around creative folks and bringing a different perspective to the table. The teamwork aspect of advertising is something I really love. 

4) What is a piece of creative that you worked on that particularly moved you?

Carla> One project that really moved me was a campaign I worked on for BlueForge Alliance. We created a piece that showed what gig work is really like and highlighted the long-term opportunities in the Submarine Industrial Base. I’ve always thought we don’t do enough to expose young people to the variety of career paths out there, which can make them feel a bit lost. This project was special because it aimed to bridge that gap and open new possibilities for them.

5) What does your daily routine consist of?

Carla> My daily routine mixes a few things that keep me balanced and energised. I start with a cup of coffee—mostly because I love the taste, though it definitely gives me a little boost. Music is a big part of my day; I use it to help me focus and stay motivated. As one of many Swifties at a&eDDB, I’ve got TTPD on repeat. To clear my head after work, I either go for a long walk or cook up something fun.

6) When do you feel the most powerful?

Carla> I feel at my best when I’m working with a team to tackle problems that really make a difference for our clients. There’s something great about bringing together different viewpoints and skills to solve challenges. It not only leads to a better creative output but also makes my own contributions feel significant. The teamwork and shared success make everything feel even more rewarding.

7) Which of the DDB Four Freedoms is the most important to you and why?

Carla> For me, the “Freedom to Fail” is the most important. In advertising, it’s all about pushing boundaries and trying new things to create something truly impactful. Embracing failure means we’re open to taking risks and exploring fresh ideas, even if they don’t always work out. It’s not about failing for the sake of it, but about learning from those experiences and using them to drive our creativity forward.

8) What is one source of creative inspiration you draw from outside of work?

Carla> Living in New York really inspires me. I love exploring different neighbourhoods, trying new restaurants, and enjoying live music. Outside of the city, music and cooking are big sources of inspiration for me. Music helps me relax and sparks new ideas, while cooking lets me experiment and unwind.

9) Who are your creative heroes?

Carla> Anthony Bourdain is one of my biggest creative heroes. I love how he combined storytelling, culture, and food in such an authentic way. What really struck me was his raw honesty about his life experiences and emotions. That level of realness made him not just an amazing chef and storyteller but someone you could genuinely connect with.

Taylor Swift is another hero of mine. Her knack for turning personal stories into music that speaks to so many people is pretty incredible. She’s not afraid to be open and vulnerable, and that makes her work really resonate.

10) Wishes or aspirations for the advertising industry?

Carla> I’d like to see the advertising industry focus more on authenticity for everyone. The U.S. is incredibly diverse, so our ads should truly reflect that. Sometimes, though, there’s a disconnect—whether it’s in the messaging or even little details of a campaign. It can make it seem like brands are just ticking boxes rather than truly understanding different audiences. And sometimes, we end up relying on stereotypes that don’t quite land. It’d be awesome to see campaigns that genuinely connect with and respect all the different perspectives out there.

11) How are you moving the advertising industry forward?

Carla> I’m really into exploring new tech and pushing the boundaries of traditional advertising. It’s exciting to see what’s out there and how we can use it to enhance our work. But I think it's important not to lean too much on tech alone. At the end of the day, nothing beats authentic human insights and real perspectives. It’s about blending fresh ideas with genuine connections to create campaigns that truly resonate.

12) What has been your most measurable impact?

Carla> One of the things I’m most proud of is working with both our internal teams and clients to find the best way to hit their goals while keeping our creative vision intact. It’s about finding that balance where we meet our clients’ needs and stay true to our unique approach.

13) Lasting words to leave us with:

Carla> Keep pushing boundaries, stay true to what matters, and don’t forget to have fun!

Agency / Creative
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