The Motion + Title Design Emmys has issued its final call for entries as the May 1st deadline quickly approaches. The Outstanding Motion Design and Outstanding Main Title Design competitions include more than a dozen categories for eligible work, and is open to designers, creative directors, art directors, animators, compositors, editors, illustrators, typographers, photographers and cinematographers.
This year, Outstanding Motion Design includes these categories of eligible work:
- Animation Graphics for TV
- Broadcast Films
- Series
- Web Series
- Documentaries
- Awards Packages
- Kinetic Type
- Map Graphics
- Reenactment Graphics
- Footage-Based
- Stop-Motion
- 3D
- Infographics
Outstanding Main Title Design includes these categories for eligible work:
- Title Sequences for TV
- Broadcast Films
- Series
- Web Series
- Documentary
To submit for the Emmy Awards, please click here or visit the Emmys Television Academy website to learn more about rules and eligibility.
The Motion + Title Design Awards will be judged by a mixed group consisting of the 2017 Motion + Title Design Executive Committee Members and other notable industry professionals, including past Emmy winners and nominees.