Meet Your Makers in association withThe Immortal Awards

Meet Your Makers: The Digitalisation of The Production Process with Ramojus Petrauskas

Production Services
Vilnius, Lithuania
The head of production of Magic on trusting his instincts, pushing boundaries and the desire to take on new challenges
The challenges of each new brief has driven Ramojus to his success at shooting more than 400 commercials to date. Before joining his partner Aurimas to launch 'Magic' production company in 2011, now operating throughout the Baltics and Turkey, and even holding a 2022 Cannes Lions Grand Prix in Film Craft, Ramojus represented MTV as the lead producer in the Baltics working on hit shows such as 'Pimp My Ride' and 'Most Wanted'.

With 'Magic' Ramojus and Aurimas not only achieved the stages of the main advertising awards in the world but also successfully produced their first short animation movie 'Woods' awarded in the Lithuanian Silver Crane awards as the best animation movie in 2015, as well as numerous nominations and opening of the San Sebastian Festival in 2019 with their debut feature ‘Invisible'.

LBB> What first attracted you to production - and has it been an industry you’ve always worked on or did you come to it from another area?

Ramojus> I was initially drawn to production at a young age, starting with my involvement in a teenagers’ TV show at 16. This early experience sparked my interest, leading me to become a producer at MTV Baltics. Over the years, I’ve continued to hone my skills and have now been in the production business for over 18 years.

LBB> What was your first role in the production world and how did this experience influence how you think about production and how you grew your career?

Ramojus> My first role in the production world was as a co-host in a TV show, where I realised my passion for organising and creating behind the scenes rather than being in front of the camera. This experience laid the foundation for my transition to MTV Baltics as a producer, where I discovered my desire to work in global production.

LBB> How did you learn to be a producer?

Ramojus> I learned to be a producer through hands-on experience. Initially, when I had to produce my first commercials, I was quite amateurish and lacked knowledge about equipment, teams, and roles. However, I quickly immersed myself in the process, working closely with a small group and gradually expanding to larger filmmaking teams. My curiosity drove me to learn about all processes and equipment while trying out various roles. Throughout my journey, I’ve always trusted my instincts on how things should be done and prioritised caring for and respecting every position within the crew.

LBB> Looking back to the beginning of your career, can you tell us about a production you were involved in where you really had to dig deep and that really helped you to grow as a producer?

Ramojus> Reflecting on the early stages of my career, one production stands out where I had to dig deep and experienced significant growth. It was when I met my partner, Aurimas. Our shared vision for quality and approach to the production process was incredibly aligned, making us a perfect match. Collaborating with Aurimas strengthened my confidence and allowed me to trust my instincts even more, ultimately contributing to my growth as a producer.

LBB> A good producer should be able to produce for any medium, from film to events to digital experience. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/why not?

Ramojus> Yes, I agree. While there are different types of producers, a good one should be able to handle various mediums like film or events because they all involve managing people.

LBB> What’s your favourite thing about production and why?

Ramojus> My favourite aspect of production is seeing my vision for a project come to fruition. It’s incredibly satisfying when everything unfolds according to plan.

LBB> How has production changed since you started your career?

Ramojus> Now we use a lot of WhatsApp:))) The digitalisation of processes has accelerated the pace of production, often requiring us to keep up with technology. Additionally, I’ve noticed a positive shift towards greater respect for every position within the film crew, which is a welcome change.

LBB> And what has stayed the same?

Ramojus> We still work with people and that's the best.

LBB> What do you think is the key to being an effective producer - and is it something that’s innate or something that can be learned?

Ramojus> The key to being an effective producer involves being a strong leader who instils trust and a sense of safety in the team, while also possessing the ability to solve various challenges across different departments to keep the production running smoothly. While many of these skills can be learned and developed to a high level, some innate qualities, such as leadership, may also play a significant role.

LBB> Which production project from across your career are you most proud of and why?

Ramojus> I’ve had the opportunity to work on several memorable projects throughout my career, including BMW, Cartier, 30millions damis, and my time at MTV. What I’m most proud of about these projects is the wealth of experience I gained while working on them.

LBB> And in terms of recent work, which projects have you found to be particularly exciting or have presented particularly interesting production challenges?

Ramojus> I find every project to be potentially exciting, as each offers unique learning opportunities and the chance to make a meaningful contribution.

LBB> Producers always have the best stories. What’s the hairiest / most insane situation you’ve found yourself in and how did you work your way out of it?

Ramojus> One of the most memorable situations I’ve encountered was during a sweets commercial shoot where the process became so complicated that we had to coordinate with airlines to delay the departure of actors who were late to leave the set. It was a tense moment, but we managed to ensure the actors reached the plane just in time for their flight.

LBB> What are your personal ambitions or aspirations as a producer?

Ramojus> My personal ambition as a producer is to continue pushing boundaries. I aspire to work on projects that challenge me creatively and contribute positively to the industry.

LBB> As a producer your brain must have a neverending "to do" list. How do you switch off? What do you do to relax?

Ramojus> For a long time, I struggled to find the switch to relax, but now, spending time with my family helps me unwind. Additionally, engaging in sports activities provides a much-needed break and helps me switch off from work.

LBB> Producers are problem solvers. What personally fuels your curiosity and drive?

Ramojus> I find that the more complex a project is, the more passionate I become. It’s almost like an addiction; I’m fuelled by the desire to take on new challenges and push myself to overcome them.

LBB> What advice would you give to people who are interested in becoming a producer?

Ramojus> My advice for those interested in becoming producers is to develop the ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and learn effective stress management techniques. Additionally, be prepared to prioritise meeting your friends or spending time with family until you’ve mastered handling the demands of the role.

LBB> From your experience what are the ingredients for a successful production?

Ramojus> From my experience, successful productions require belief in your work, trust in your instincts, and dedication through hard work. Success is often the result of relentless effort, with belief and instinct guiding the way.

LBB> What’s the key to a successful production-client relationship?

Ramojus> The key to a successful production-client relationship is honesty, openness, and a willingness to solve problems together without fear. Building trust through transparent communication and collaborative problem-solving strengthens the partnership and leads to successful outcomes.
Production Service
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