Goodby Silverstein and Partners launches its first work on Lunchables, which positions the brand as something like a Legos for lunchtime, a toy that’s meant to be eaten.
The back-to-school timed campaign comes as we exit an unusual school year (in which parents turned to Lunchables for its convenience) and into an uncertain one. So the brand is doubling down on letting kids be creative at the table.
The new 30 second creative spot, ‘Pretzel Horse’, showcases a Trojan-like horse built from Lunchables Chicken Popper Kabobbles, which feature pretzels, chicken poppers and cheese. As the horse is wheeled in behind the walls, the guards realise it’s made of Lunchables and begin eating the pretzel horse. Whether it’s a pretzel horse out of a Kabobbles kit or another creation, if you can build it then you can eat it with Lunchables!
Rachel Drof, director of marketing at Kraft Heinz says: “Buildability has always been a key component to Lunchables. We want kids to be able to build things their own way since it helps build their confidence and sense of empowerment. There are no directions for what they can build with their Cracker Stacks or Kabobbles, the sky's the limit!”