Targeting Toronto's affluent neighbourhoods, armed with a camera, laptop, printer and Porsche Carrera 911 S, Pfaff Porsche and Lowe Roche created the world's first instant direct mail piece. Each home received its own one-of-a-kind postcard.
And while direct mail is usually a fairly unglamorous medium, it looks like Lowe Roche’s inventive, individualised twist has revived it – 32 per cent of the households target responded by visiting the Porche website where they could book a test drive.
The team filmed themselves as they carried out their stealth hit – revealing a crack squad photographers and amateur postmen. It’s unlikely to be a model that could be unrolled on a massive scale, but as a strategic and carefully targeted approach, it looks like personalised direct mail can be pretty effective. To get a glimpse of the crew in action, check out their film:
Client: Pfaff Porche
Advertising Agency: Lowe Roche, Toronto, Canada
Creative Directors: Dave Douglass, Pete Breton
Art Director: JP Gravina
Copywriter: Simon Craig
Print Producer: Beth Mackinnon
Account Team: Dave Carey
Video Production: Motion Pantry
Director / Cameraman / Editor: Dean Vargas