All of the benefits of choosing to get your insurance through Life Direct are explained (somewhat slowly) by one of Yukfoo's most charming characters yet - a Sloth. It is tempting to say that the Life Direct Sloth is loosely based on the work habits of certain Yukfoo staffers but it's not, they are somewhat faster at what they do but the Sloth is infinitely cuter. A spokesperson for Life Direct said: “In fact sloths are so cute that we had a hard time stopping ourselves from turning all gooey as we researched movies of tiny baby sloths. And it's harder than you'd think animating a creature that moves so sedately.”
Director Alex Dron said: "Working to bring the sloth to life while still retaining his sloth-like qualities was difficult but extra satisfying, he is slow and measured in his approach to life but still manages to convey all the benefits of choosing Life Direct in 30 seconds, not bad for a creature that would have moved 2 metre's at full burn during that time."
Agency: DoubleFish/GSL Network (Wellington)
Director: Alex Dron
Animation: Yukfoo