Multimedia animation studio Niceshit have launched a new passion project: an ongoing series of weekly Spotify playlists, where an artist friend of Niceshit’s shares a playlist consisting of 20+ songs.
But the real beauty lies in Niceshit’s design treatment of each playlist: composed of a set of illustrated elements which were then animated in seamless loops and further accompanied by bespoke sound, to create a custom visual styling for each week’s playlist.
For this Niceshit developed a super modular, audiovisual system, “We needed to be able to quickly put fun and engaging layouts together to publish each week in our IG stories: so, we created a toolkit of elements, which then we animated separately and add a sound to each of them, with this we can now create endless layouts and by just dragging and dropping the animated elements and combining them into a layout…we get the music!" - Guido Lambertini, animation director.
Full project breakdown here.