RAPP UK has created two new TV spots for Hastings Direct to reinforce the brand’s position as the simple, straightforward and dependable insurance provider.
Created entirely using CGI, the spots showcase the well-known statue Harry Hastings – building on his authoritative and dependable character – marking a move away from Stephen Seagull. They are set in Hastings’ familiar and quintessentially British seaside setting.
The first spot – You know where you stand – focuses on Hastings Direct’s straightforward and dependable nature. The second spot – Clear skies ahead – centres on Hastings Direct’s simplicity and transparency, and the great value for money that Hastings Direct customers have come to expect.
Nicola Charles, Marketing Director at Hastings Direct said, “Whilst we know that price plays an important role when choosing an insurance provider, we also know that the final choice often comes down to trust - which is exactly what Hastings Direct offers its customers. Harry Hastings personifies our dependable and trustworthy brand which can be relied on when people need to most – namely during a claim.”
Ben Golik, executive creative director at RAPP UK said, “Hastings Direct is a genuinely trustworthy brand, meaning that it was a natural process to move Harry Hastings into a more relatable, more dependable human figure and by using CGI, we have captured that very essence.”
Launching on Five, C4 and ITV2 followed by a large selection of channels, the two TV ads will be supported by a multi-channel digital campaign.
Framestore was responsible for the CGI production.