Twenty Journey is a visual project investigating twenty years of democracy contextualized under the complexities of ‘born –free’| land | idiosyncrasies.
For four months these three photographers will travel through South Africa in a camper van. They will be meeting and interacting with the people that inhabit this country while focusing on their respective visual interests. Sipho will be focusing on the Born Frees, the first generation that’s been born and raised after the fall of the apartheid; Sean will be focusing on Idiosyncrasies, highlighting the “absurdities of life in this magnificently puzzled country”; and Wikus will be focusing on Land, investigating the cultural, historical, commercial and personal value of land. Together their vision will culminate in a diverse and encompassing tapestry of South Africa as it is today. The curatorial process is a six months journey that ends with a multi-media exhibition at Commune1 curated by Khanyisile Mbongwa.
The Twenty Journey is a
visual exploration that we are so glad to be a part of. The projects and the
photographs will be documented through an online visual journal that will
result in a collaborative book and Pop Up exhibitions/events all around the country.
If you would like to follow their journey go to their website, or follow them on Facebook and Twitter.