Last week, Panasonic’s Yohana announced the launch of its first offering, the Yohana Membership, a new personal assistant service for busy millennial moms and parents, to industry-wide acclaim. Yohana (previously in stealth under the sun-setted brand of “Yo Labs”) is a fully funded independent subsidiary of Panasonic. This week, the Yohana app, which was designed through a close collaboration between Yohana and Huge, launches wide in app stores.
Over the course of 16 months, Huge worked in partnership with Yohana and created a digital product-driven experience that appealed to busy millennial moms and families, focusing on the UX/UI product experience.
Huge partnered with the Yohana team through user research to identify product opportunities and understand where Yohana could be most effective in someone’s life. With the busy millennial mom in mind, Huge collaborated with Yohana’s internal team on design and user experience for the member-facing app and the internal tools for their assistants. The agency also supported the Yohana team to art direct visual assets including illustrations, 3D art and photography for member facing experiences.
Along with the Yohana app, Huge partnered with Yohana on the design of, which launched on 9th of September 2021.