Monster Energy presents Nerve, a short film that shares the gripping true story of American Freeskier Colby Stevenson, who overcame a traumatic brain injury and rehabilitation after a near-career ending car crash in 2016. Colby and his mother Carol Stevenson star in the film, which was written and directed by professional freeski athlete and filmmaker Clayton Vila of Greenpoint Pictures.
Today, Colby Stevenson is a 23-year-old two-time X Games gold medallist from Park City, Utah. Four years ago, he suffered a shattered skull in a near-deadly car accident. While he was lucky to be alive, his impaired brain and motor function made his doctors certain that he would never ski competitively again. During the first few arduous months of his rehabilitation, Colby endured vertigo and memory problems. Then suddenly, Colby's recovery took a sudden turn in the right direction. His memory, motor function, and spirit all began making a miraculous comeback. With his life somewhat back-on-track, Colby faced the biggest decision of all: Count his blessings, or risk it all to fulfil his dream of becoming a professional skier.
“My whole dream, everything was over. I might not ever be the same again, but I always had hope,” said Colby, who prevailed to make X Games history and win two 2020/21 FIS Freeski Crystal Globes, in the new documentary. “Before the crash, I did not see how lucky I was. Once it was all taken away, I started seeing the beauty in the little things. I started to be grateful.”
“It was really special writing and directing this film about Colby for Monster Energy, who is a long time sponsor of both Colby and I,” says Clayton. “In having Colby and his mother star in the film, I think we achieved a level of emotion that would have been hard to get any other way. I am so grateful to both of them and admire their bravery.”