Creative in association withGear Seven

Grey Becomes First Agency to Partner with 3% Movement

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
The “progress brief” program aims to advance diversity and inclusion to the forefront of creative discussion
The 3% Movement – the advertising industry’s leading voice for gender equality and diversity overall – has teamed with Grey to launch “The Progress Brief” program, whereby the agency becomes the first network to include 3% Movement-approved diversity language in its creative brief. 

The objective of the program is simple: as Grey creatives develop creative solutions, the ideas must include a respect for and a reflection of our diverse world and consumers – just as imperative as every other business objective on the brief. If the work doesn’t meet standards for respect of human diversity, it doesn’t advance. The hope is that diversity and fairness at the beginning of an idea ensures a creative product that makes a more positive, famously effective impact on the world. The language ensures the agency has a systematic, cultural kickstarter for discussions around diversity as it relates to the work – internally and in discussions with clients. 

This only marks the beginning of the program, as the 3% Movement encourages all other agencies, of all sizes and specialisations, to adopt certified language as part of their creative brief template. The goal is to get as many agencies as possible committed to creating work that accurately reflects the reality of our world, with respect and representation closer to the heart of creative concepts. Grey has launched the Progress Brief across the United States and is introducing the program to its worldwide offices.

“Rather than wait until work is produced and in the market to consider its inclusivity, 3% recommends that all agencies proactively remind creative teams about the value of unbiased depictions and inclusive casting at the inception of every project. We hope other agencies will follow Grey’s lead and launch Progress Briefs of their own,” says Kat Gordon, founder of The 3% Movement.

“Grey is already very proud of its efforts to support diversity in all its creative solutions – and this is one more step forward, motivated by progress versus perfection. In fact, this is progress through reinforcement and re-commitment,” says Debby Reiner, CEO of Grey New York. “Grey is honoured to partner with the 3% Movement, and its powerful mission to help create progress for the larger creative community. Their guidance has been essential to unifying and directing our industry’s efforts.”

“This effort’s ambition is not to perfect every campaign; this is so we can try to be better than we’ve ever been in respecting people. We may still misstep, but we have focus for the right direction,” said Grey Worldwide Chief Creative Officer John Patroulis. “The 3% Movement is clear on how one-off programs are a band-aid; this marks a systematic recognition of respect for diversity in our work and culture. This is our stand for improvement.”

Work from Grey New York
Gillette Venus
Inside the Socket