Real men are not scared of doing shitty jobs. And if they can do shitty jobs, then why can’t they do everyday shitty household tasks? In its new campaign, Equal Pay Day showcases men and their work in a super quirky manner to encourage them to reduce the gender pay gap.
In Belgium, the main obstacle to pay equality is part-time work. In fact, 44% of women who work do so part-time, compared to 11% of men. And part-time work generally means also taking care of the children, the groceries, household chores etc. So in reality, part-time work is spending less time at work only to spend more time on less fun tasks at home.
In its latest video, Equal Pay Day shows men with difficult and even downright horrible jobs. Those men are not afraid of doing their shitty jobs day in, day out, but they assume they won’t have to do the shitty jobs at home. This ironic message encourages them to restore the balance and ensure it is not only women who work part-time.
With the slogan ‘Share the work and close the gender pay gap’ Equal Pay Day encourages men to take on their responsibilities. After all, if men also took care of shitty jobs at home, women wouldn’t have to do everything all the time. This would result in a more balanced distribution of tasks and money.
Jens Mortier, creative director at mortierbrigade, explains: “Directors Lionel Goldstein let loose in their signature style. While it may be over the top, the pay gap is even more over the top.”
The unique soundtrack, ‘Manly men’, was written by Greg Keeler, a poet and professor who consented to his music being used once he had seen the video.