This year CZAR.BE collected a whopping 8 awards at the annual CCB Awards.
The biggest winner was TNT 'Push To Add Drama' directed by Koen Mortier. Director Lionel Goldstein was also recognised for his amazing work with four awards.
TNT 'Push To Add Drama' / Koen Mortier / Duval Guillaume Modem
-Grand Prix Film
-Gold Film
-Gold Cyber - viral video
-Silver Outdoor Stunts & Live Advertising
Equal Payday 'Sasha Grey' / Lionel Goldstein / Mortierbrigade
-Silver Film
-Silver Film Direction
Center Parcs 'Neighbour' / Lionel Goldstein / Duval Guillame Modem
-Bronze Film
Canvas 'Olympia' / Lionel Goldstein / Make Lemonade
-Bronze Film