The latest episode of The Creative Relay podcast
launches today, with director Steve Rogers interviewing Clemenger
BBDO's creative chairman, James McGrath.
Despite his list of
international awards - including Global Agency of the Year at Cannes in
2017 for Clemenger BBDO Melbourne - McGrath has been happy to let his
work take centre stage throughout his 30+ year career in advertising.
surprisingly, his humble approach to success and the role of charisma
in the industry was a key topic of his conversation with Rogers.
Says McGrath: "I've always preferred to keep busy by doing the work
rather than talking about the work or the process. I'm aware that I've
not spoken a great deal about how I approach creativity or the
methodology behind it, so it was an interesting challenge to express
that through the discussion with Steve."
In fact, when Rogers first asked McGrath to be his guest on the popular podcast series, he fully expected a polite refusal.
Rogers: "I was genuinely surprised James agreed - because a lot of
people have waited a long time to hear his thoughts on the industry and
where it's heading."
McGrath adds his name to a long list of
venerable creative minds who have previously sat in the Smith and
Western podcast studio, including M&C Saatchi's Cam Blackley, DDB's
Tara Ford and Ant Keogh from The Monkeys. His inclusion into The
Creative Relay roll-call has been described as a coup for the audience.
Paul Dunne, podcast host: "To get access to someone of the calibre of
James and have him go outside his comfort zone and talk so openly was
Dan Higson, podcast creator and producer at Smith
and Western, is already looking forward to where McGrath takes the
series with his choice of interview subject for the next episode.
Says Higson: "The thing I've learnt about James is that he thinks a little differently - so I'm expecting a bit of a twist."