For over 40 years, SOLO has been crushing Australia’s thirst. Now, in 2014, Solo Man is crushing his thirst for adventure while rallying Aussie blokes to get out there, and go hard in an integrated campaign created by BMF Melbourne.
The brand new tag line: GO HARD, GO SOLO is brought to life in another of Solo Man's adventures, as he earns his thirst by taking on his very own obstacle course. Launching this week, the new commercial is inspired by hugely popular events like Spartan Race and Tough Mudder and in typical Solo Man style, he charges through the mud, jumps over cars and leaps through fire to earn his thirst.
Carlos Furnari, Creative Director of BMF Melbourne explains: "There are some Aussie icons that are best not messed with, and Solo Man is one of them. Besides, he could wrestle us to the ground with his chest hair alone. But while the man mountain will be sweating it up on our screens again, he will be just one part of the thirst crusher puzzle.”
“What really excites us is that we're also launching this new campaign through limited edition SOLO packs. These packs then become the major element behind a social media promotion that encourages Solo fans to collect, snap and hashtag the packs for their chance to win. Encouragingly, people are already doing this before we've even launched the campaign, or told them what to do. This is the type of work BMF Melbourne is looking to do more of.”

To prove we mean it when we say Go Hard, we’ve launched the message across all our packs. Each SOLO now has one letter G, O, H, A, R, D or a hashtag # allowing consumers to collect them across the range: Original Lemon, Lemon Lime and Extreme Lemon cans, multipacks, and PETs.
Starting in mid May and supported by TV, Digital & Social, SOLO fans will have the chance to win one GoPro a day for 10 weeks. To win, entrants just need to take an awesome picture or video of a limited edition SOLO product, hashtag ‘gohardgosolo’ and share it through their social media platform of
choice. All the entries will be collated at and the most adventurous entry judged each day will win a GoPro.