Britannia Good Day is settling the debate of ‘which biscuit goes best with chai?’ with their new campaign: HEADLINES.
Good Day and chai have been inseparable for years. After all, how else does every sip of hot tea bring to mind the familiar round shape of a Good Day?
Don’t believe us? Try it yourself! Sip a cup of hot tea in front of the mirror - and voila, you’ll see Good Day forming on your mind too!
This whimsical, singular visual idea is now powering ‘HEADLINES’ - Talented.Agency’s multimedia campaign to make Britannia Good Day chai’s best mate… by removing the product from the ad altogether!
Consumer love for pairing Good Day with chai far precedes the active marketing charter at Britannia. But encouraged by this organic behaviour, the charter took off in early 2024 - with a range of TVCs and an association this January with Chai Point at the Maha Kumbh, where lakhs of cups of chai were enjoyed daily with Good Day. With HEADLINES - the charter finds a singular creative idea to power its next phase.
Archana Balaraman, general manager - marketing, Britannia says, “Britannia Good Day is a household name, enjoyed across several occasions… including and especially with India’s beloved drink - chai. To cement this perception, we wanted to reinforce Good Day as more than just an option, but as an iconic part of the chai experience. The creative platform - HEADLINES - delivered this beautifully. It takes from the form of the biscuit, is infinitely scalable and establishes the juxtaposition to prompt this behaviour. We’re excited to begin this charter Pan India across touchpoints where chai is purchased and consumed. Each cup is special - why else would our minds ask for a Good Day with it?”
Javaad Ahmed and Spandan Mahajan, creatives at Talented add, “It was right there. For years, our minds have been asking for a Good Day with chai. Isn’t it time we take our minds seriously? In the chai-biscuit debate, the variable has always been the biscuit. But it’s clear now - whichever brand of chai you’re drinking, whatever masalas you’re adding, whether you’re drinking out of a cup, glass or kulhad… there's only one biscuit on your mind!”
Can a single visual power a whole charter? ‘HEADLINES’ is live across multiple cities at different purchase and consumption touchpoints: catch it at modern trade, IT park food courts, general trade ‘chai tapris’, with plans of scaling to quick commerce and branded collaborations.