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Art of Account Management: Keeping a Finger on the Pulse of Culture with Meghan Linehan

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Something Different director of accounts on being perceptive, trying new things and building healthy relationships
Meghan Linehan joined Something Different as director of accounts in 2017. In her current role, she oversees the account services function and leads the teams with rigor to ensure they are consistently delivering with excellence across all client needs.

Meghan stumbled into advertising after having worked a few art related jobs in NYC, and decided to stay because she enjoys thinking about people, business and culture. Her expertise covers a wide range of industries including financial services and entertainment. She’s worked at large and small agencies alike.

Meghan studied at University of Vermont where she received degrees in English and sociology. Outside of work, Meghan keeps a steady illustration practice under the name @sawwft.

LBB> How did you first get involved in account management and what appealed to you about it? 

Meghan> After several years of working for an artist in NYC, I was ready for a new challenge. I knew I wanted to remain in a creative environment, but I also wanted to exercise the business side of my brain. I figured an advertising agency offered a nice blend of the two. The observational aspect of the job also appealed to me. I enjoy keeping my finger on the pulse of culture, so why not work in a field where it’s valuable. 

LBB> What is it about your personality, skills and experience that has made account management such a great fit? 

Meghan> I think being perceptive has helped me throughout my career. I’m often the quietest one in a meeting or a room, but listening has always been the thing that helps me solve problems.  

LBB> What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting their career in account management? 

Meghan> Don’t be afraid to try new things throughout your career. I’ve found that different experience and interest in a wide range of things are often what makes someone very good at their job and more exciting to work with. Try not to get hung up on titles. Right now I work with some of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with and they’ve all had jobs in different fields along the way.  

LBB> Thinking back to some of your most challenging experiences you’ve had in your career, what do you think tends to lie at the heart of the more tense or difficult client-agency relationships? 

Meghan> When things get very tense, it’s typically because someone is under a tremendous amount of pressure. If a client is feeling this way, I remind them what we’re here to do: help.

LBB> And what are the keys to building a productive and healthy relationship?

Meghan> It’s on both the client and agency to be straightforward and honest. Picking up the phone and having a person to person convo vs. agency to client has always helped build healthy relationships.  

LBB> What’s your view on disagreement and emotion - is there a place for it and if not, why not? If so, why - and what does productive disagreement look like? 

Meghan> Disagreement and emotion are part of being a human, so yes, I think there’s a place for it. But the way you choose to show up is huge.  

LBB> Historically, account management has been characterised as the mediator in an adversarial client and creative relationship - what do you make of that characterisation, is there any nugget of truth in that or is it wildly inaccurate? 

Meghan> Fortunately this hasn’t been the case in many years, especially since joining a smaller agency. We operate as a team and if there’s an adversarial moment, we’re usually all putting our heads together as one team to figure it out.  

LBB> These days, agencies do so much beyond traditional campaigns and as account management you’re pulling together creative, experience, data, e-commerce, social and more - and that complexity can often be mirrored on the client stakeholder side too? What’s the key to navigating (and helping the client navigate) that complexity? 

Meghan> I think it’s as simple as always going back to what you’re solving for. When you can easily answer that question and clearly define the role for each channel or tactic, it’s pretty simple to stay ahead and manage the process. When it starts to get fuzzy, that’s when you may need a reset with all teams.  

LBB> What recent projects are you proudest of and why? What was challenging about these projects from an account management perspective and how did you address those challenges? What was so satisfying about working on these projects? 

Meghan> We’re in the process of launching a new apparel brand. I’ve never worked in the garment industry and It’s been interesting to learn about product design, manufacturing, and the many, many details that go into making a new fashion line. Exposure to new industries is one of the reasons I’ve stayed in advertising.

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