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Art for Change: Meet the Judges for the UK

The M&C Saatchi Group and Saatchi Gallery Art for Change Prize is back. Meet the three creative powerhouses judging entries in the UK

This year’s prize asks emerging artists to submit work in response to the theme ‘Regeneration’, bringing the opportunity to create new stories of a liveable future and motivate people to do what it takes to be a driving force for the change we need. 

Six winners from around the world will be decided by some of the best business and creative minds from the M&C Saatchi Group globally and eminent guest judges. 

In this Art for Change series, we hear from our regional judges. Find out what makes them tick artistically, why this year’s theme is so critical, and what they are looking for in our winners.

Introducing our judges for the UK: Darren Bowles, partner and executive creative director at Re, part of M&C Saatchi Group, Ronaldo Tavares, executive creative director at M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment, Sophie Morgan, TV presenter, Writer & Disability Advocate.

Q> If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Darren> Pattern forming. I bet there's not as much chaos in life and the world as we think.

Ronaldo> Definitely flying.

Sophie> The power to heal all wounds. We all have them and the world would be a happier place if we didn't.

Q> How would you sum up your job in three words?

Darren> A paid hobby.

Ronaldo> Listening, inspiring, serving.

Sophie> Purposeful, exhilarating, fun.

Q> Where do you find inspiration for your work?

Darren> I'm quite a science and engineering nerd and love the physics of motion and movement. I love artists that portray behaviours that surprise, this still feels magical.

Ronaldo> My team. I’m fortunate to be surrounded by a diverse group of smart people who are deeply creative and know their game really well. On top of that, I am endlessly fuelled and creatively fed by my passions: movies, theatre, books, series, art and podcasts.

Sophie> My trauma and my community.

Q> Why did you agree to judge this year’s Art for Change Prize?

Darren> Having worked on the inaugural competition, there was no way that I'd miss the opportunity again. I was so inspired by the richness of talent and variation last time. It's a real privilege to participate.

Ronaldo> Art has the power to change the world for the better. There’s an incredible new generation of artists pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and imagining a better future. I believe this award shines a spotlight on art that creates positive impact and social change while giving exposure to emerging artists. That’s a pleasure to be a part of.

Sophie> My two favourite pursuits in life are art and change, I live for both. So it was no brainer.

Q> This year’s theme is ‘Regeneration’. Why do you think this theme is so important?

Darren> In a time of so much waste and necessary self-imposed and forced limitations, regeneration of materials, resources, relationships, culture, society or ideas has never been more important. Continuing with the same behaviours but expecting a different outcome cannot be the vibe of this time.

Ronaldo> I was listening to the Girls that Invest Podcast the other day and one of them said: “Everything you need in the world, is already in the world”. I couldn’t agree more. Reimagining a future which inspires ways we could live more in sync with nature, have more sustainable practices, smart ways to tackle the climate crisis is something we all need to do. The role for art here is to inspire and raise awareness to propel those changes forward.

Sophie> Regeneration seeks to revitalise communities, fosters inclusivity and embraces diversity. In a world marked by divisions, it reminds us to create spaces where everyone can thrive, promoting empathy, compassion, and justice. On a personal level, regeneration invites self-reflection and personal growth. It encourages us to shed old patterns, embrace new possibilities, and embark on a journey of learning, healing, and self-discovery. Ultimately, the theme of regeneration offers a framework for positive change. It empowers us to acknowledge challenges, actively participate, and shape a better future.

Q> If you could have your portrait painted by one artist from art history, who would it be?

Darren> David Hockney, I love those with an obsession for colour.

Ronaldo> Jackson Pollock. I just love how expressive his work is and I’d love to see myself through his beautiful eyes and handiwork.

Sophie> Frida Kahlo.

Q> You’re judging entries from the UK. What will you be looking for as a judge?

Darren> Bravery, distinctiveness and unique craft which captures a clear narrative.

Ronaldo> Art that cuts through. Sometimes a piece of art is too intricate or hard to grasp. I’m looking for art that’s highly impactful and at the same time accessible so anyone can understand.

Sophie> A unique perspective and lens on the theme, artistic flare and talent, courage and innovation.

Q> Do you think art can create meaningful change?

Darren> No, people on mass do. But art is one of the most provocative and emotionally engaging means to elicit a reaction or response (whether as an individual or a collective) from people where news, journalism and 'experts' can't. We are still story animals, and we need those who can capture and convey the story for us.

Ronaldo> 100%. That’s the main reason why I want to be part of this. A lot of our lives are shaped by art. The way we think about proposals, weddings, what we think about love, masculinity, I mean, everything is so shaped by what we see, listen and interact with and art is this amazing tool that just goes straight to our hearts and opens our eyes.

Sophie> At its best, Art is the greatest tool we have for social transformation. It inspires, challenges, and stimulates dialogue, gives voice to marginalized communities and advocates for social justice. Art transcends language barriers, sparks conversations, and bridges divides. It challenges norms, expands horizons, and encourages critical thinking. We would all be lost without.

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