Soon after Malcolm Green finished Love is Immune, it came to light that the British Jewish community has suffered a disproportionate number of Covid-related fatalities for reasons as yet unclear, it could be genetics or cultural/social behaviour. “Either way the community is trying to ’shield’ it’s elderly which is hard, as they all want to see and interact with their grandkids more than anything” comments Malcolm.
Last year, Malcolm made a successful fundraising film for JW3, which is the main community cultural and arts centre (Marc Nohr of Fold7 is Chair/ David Kershaw M&C Saatchi/ Head of channel 4/ various BBC and movie peeps are all on the board), For this latest piece for JW3 Malcolm and his team recycled and repurposed some existing footage of the babies which were shot at JW3 last year. Malcolm wrote this new film, with a topical message.
Tom Baker edited and the VO was recorded by Zoom.