Babylon Berlin is a German neo-noir television series that captures the gritty and mysterious world of 1920s Berlin. Our team was tasked with creating music that would link up with other musical elements from the show's soundtrack and build to an epic climax, all while maintaining the tone of the show.
The challenge was to incorporate instrumentation from the 1920s and 30s to create a sound that was both authentic and modern. Our solution was to use a mix of traditional and contemporary instruments to create a dynamic score that would reflect the show's dark and moody aesthetic.
Connecting people through sound & music.
We are an award-winning creative music & sound design studio based in Shoreditch. We specialise in bespoke music composition, sound design and sonic branding, and work with some of the world’s most dynamic and engaging production companies, brands, agencies & broadcasters.
Working in close collaboration with our clients, we create music & sound design that breaks through the noise.