This new, exciting ITV drama, set amongst a backdrop of the rural hamlet of Grantchester, follows the life of Sidney Chambers (James Norton), village priest turned private detective. When one of his parishioners dies in suspicious circumstances, Sidney forms an unlikely partnership with gruff Detective Inspector Geordie Keating, (Robson Green), and quickly finds himself in a new and dangerous world filled with murder, betrayal and lies.
Munky’s magic heightened perilous moments throughout the series. Our work included enhancing flames to engulf the interior of a beautiful old building as actors are clambering through trying to escape, compositing an actor being pushed in front of a moving train in the climatic moment of Episode One and embellishing bullet wounds, both in terms of impact and blood & gore. Set in the 1950′s, there was a good amount of modern artefact removal as well as a bit of general cleanup, however the production was already very polished before arriving at Munky’s door.