
Nat Geo - Nat Geo’s Explorers Academy E01: Brain Freeze

Nat Geo
Production Company
Sofia, Bulgaria

We joined Nat Geo Kids to support their first ever serialised storytelling on YouTube by creating the pilot episode of the Explorer Academy to join the global release of the books by the same title.

See the case study

Client: National Geographic

Explorer Academy Pilot

Duration: 05:43

About Chase A Cloud
Storytellers & Video Content Creators

Chase a cloud is an agile team of filmmakers, animators & dreamers based in Sofia, Bulgaria. We specialize in both live-action production and animation. We’ve been around since 2008 turning stories into motion for brands such as LEGO, Johnson & Johnson, National Geographic, Mattel, Volvo, Range Rover.

Everything you will find in our portfolio was conceptualized, written, designed and created by our team. We like to jump early in the process and participate in every step of the way to make sure the final product is nothing short of stellar.

Our focus is dead set on a bleeding-edge pre-production process. Our team consists of directors, writers, concept & storyboard artists, 3D and 2D art directors. We are quite format agnostic and will design our pipeline about the needs and the goals of the project, finding efficiencies and always innovating.