Alex Prager's fantastic new Super Bowl spot for TurboTax created by Wieden + Kennedy Portland is a topsy turvy Rube Goldberg journey to find the perfect tax advisor match. Created primarily in camera by Alex and her team of amazing production designers- Roberto Bonelli and KK Barrett, with VFX collaboration from the wonderful people at Framestore. Shot by Matthew Libatique / Edited by Geoff Hounsell @ Arcade / Color by Beau Leon / Produced by Kristin Porter. Starring Jason Sudeikis!
Our name comes from the organization founded by John Hancock, John Adams, and John Bowdoin in Boston in 1780. The Academy of Arts and Sciences charter statement boasts that the "design of the institution cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honour, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people." The charter was written by men in wigs who ate mutton for lunch. It is more than noble and every bit unachievable.
We do not wear wigs, we do not eat mutton, but we do aim to take up wild, difficult, culturally relevant tasks with their same unmasked enthusiasm.
May we be positive, humble, forthright, and big-hearted in these pursuits.