Gerety Talks with Tea Uglow, Creative Director, Google
Creative Lab, Sydney, Australia
Tea Uglow
is Creative Director for Google's Creative Lab in Sydney. She works with
cultural and creative organisations around the world exploring the space
between technology and the arts and what can happen where they intersect.
She was
awarded a Peabody for digital storytelling in 2018. Her 2016 TEDx talk has more
than 1.7m views. She mentors queer, BAME, female and other intersectional
creators and coders worldwide. She likes pop-physics, behavioural psychology,
and shopping. Her latest book is Loud and Proud, an inspirational collection of
speeches from the LGBTQ+ community and its allies that have changed our world,
and the conversation.
GERETY TALKS: Just like the award show, the Gerety Talks series puts some of the marketing and creative industry’s true changemakers in the spotlight - and at the center of the conversation - with the aim to drive progress within the industry on a global scale. The series will bring together agency and brand leaders from around the globe for a refreshing take on what leadership looks like. Gerety Talks premieres on Facebook, IG TV and YouTube every Tuesday at 17:15 CET.
Named for Frances Gerety, the copywriter who in 1948 coined the slogan "A diamond is forever”.
The Gerety Awards brings together a jury to select the best in advertising from a powerful perspective, creating a benchmark that is relevant to the market reality, all while redefining the standard to which advertising has traditionally been held.