Directed by Harry Barber, this documentary is a snapshot into the gruelling life and story of the aspiring GB Olympic Rower Joshua Bugajski.
Shot during a couple of intensive weeks of GB Team training, Harry shines a light on Josh’s story into rowing, as well as his unique ability to endure the pain and suffering needed to become a World Class Rower.
DadBod Films is an independent production co. founded by two directors and a producer, Harry, Craig and Rob.
After working together for several years we decided to set up shop as DadBod, with the ultimate goal of having the freedom to make the films we like, the way we like, with the people we like. Which so far is exactly what we’ve done, from TV commercials & branded content to documentaries, music videos and short films.
We work with a lovely pool of directing & producing talent all with the same attitude and attentiveness to every project, be it a big commercial or a mini doc.
With that in mind, there’s nothing we’re not up for chatting about, so get in touch. Apart from Kanye’s run for 2020. Let's not chat about that.